On ebay, many have been selling (using sold filter) between USD$12 to $18. Some less and others a lot more.
Y&T number per Colnect is PA114.
The sheets are still available through the USPS at $12 face plus shipping.
Thank you for these valuable inforamtion.
Angore : on Yvert catalogue the stamp is Ref # 4636A(2013). It is mentioned that the stamp exists in bloc of 4 with cat. value of 20€ and also exists in bloc of Six without any indication about it value. I looked to colconect ref, but it seems to refer to another, stamp in the catalogue, of course if "PA" means "Airmail"
thanka a lot
a block of 4 would be a partial sheet, and make no sense. Either a single or the complete sheet of 6. perhaps that is for a different stamp?
Unless it is another issue, herebelow what Yv & Tellier shown on its catalogue
I would guess that the "block" price is for the "block" (i.e. souvenir sheet) of 6 and that the word "également" is misleading and should not be there. (Michel also calls souvenir sheets "Blocks".)
If it said "Existe en block de 6", it would have been clear.
I found one for $9.00 a couple of years ago.
re: US sheet worth
On ebay, many have been selling (using sold filter) between USD$12 to $18. Some less and others a lot more.
Y&T number per Colnect is PA114.
re: US sheet worth
The sheets are still available through the USPS at $12 face plus shipping.
re: US sheet worth
Thank you for these valuable inforamtion.
Angore : on Yvert catalogue the stamp is Ref # 4636A(2013). It is mentioned that the stamp exists in bloc of 4 with cat. value of 20€ and also exists in bloc of Six without any indication about it value. I looked to colconect ref, but it seems to refer to another, stamp in the catalogue, of course if "PA" means "Airmail"
thanka a lot
re: US sheet worth
a block of 4 would be a partial sheet, and make no sense. Either a single or the complete sheet of 6. perhaps that is for a different stamp?
re: US sheet worth
I would guess that the "block" price is for the "block" (i.e. souvenir sheet) of 6 and that the word "également" is misleading and should not be there. (Michel also calls souvenir sheets "Blocks".)
If it said "Existe en block de 6", it would have been clear.
re: US sheet worth
I found one for $9.00 a couple of years ago.