Here are a couple of examples of numeral cancels 46 is Haarlem and 106 is Tilburg.
Looking for town cancels is indeed fun, Phil. I do this in my own collection, and with donations to the project.
I take it a step further (as part of my related "Philatelic History of The Holocaust" stamp album initiative) and do research on the town, creating a brief (?) write-up of the relevance of that town. Stamp collecting never becomes boring when you add on those new layers!
Here is one example:
sometimes i have to admit i get a bit bored with my collections ..its then i go sorting through my Dutch stamps for "finds", a town cancel, a numeral cancel..i have a special area for them...a simple pleasure that costs nothing !
re: When things get dull
Here are a couple of examples of numeral cancels 46 is Haarlem and 106 is Tilburg.
re: When things get dull
Looking for town cancels is indeed fun, Phil. I do this in my own collection, and with donations to the project.
I take it a step further (as part of my related "Philatelic History of The Holocaust" stamp album initiative) and do research on the town, creating a brief (?) write-up of the relevance of that town. Stamp collecting never becomes boring when you add on those new layers!
Here is one example: