the Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (CS&CSS) maintains a database of tied Christmas and Easter seals. As you accumulate covers, i'd appreciate it if you send me the details of the cover so we can add it to the census. Typcially, we include
Date, type of envelope, from, to, and distinguishing details about the cover (Albany CDS ties pair of 1995 seals and Tom and Jerry forever stamps to cover; add'l untied VFW label on reverse)
Great year 1958, i went into the service and my wifes boss took his employees to the Worlds fair in Brussels ! I did not collect U.S. first day covers at the time so its kind of a blank spot in my collecting.
i must have picked this one up after the fact !
And why 1958? Because it's my birth year! If you need an explanation of why and how I set up my albums, check my 1949 post!
And as far as "Why"? Because it makes me happy! And that's why we collect, isn't it?
And why the socked on the nose plate single? Because early on that was the only item I had for this stamp issue. And it's not hurting anything staying there!
I do like to find the most interesting cachet for each issue. This one was done by a company proud of it's state and sent out to it's customers.
Although just a rubber stamp cachet, this is an interesting organizational cover. Note it was mailed to Washington Press... the producers of the Artcraft Cachet!
And check out the block.. it's used, came to me on a package. Just something different.
And I had this birthyear part sheet of Christmas seals banging around, so why not? Eventually I'll have an album of just Christmas seals, I'm saving what I find now... And I'm trying to collect them tied on cover just to make it more of a challenge.
Hope you enjoyed this little adventure!
re: And now it's 1958!
the Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Society (CS&CSS) maintains a database of tied Christmas and Easter seals. As you accumulate covers, i'd appreciate it if you send me the details of the cover so we can add it to the census. Typcially, we include
Date, type of envelope, from, to, and distinguishing details about the cover (Albany CDS ties pair of 1995 seals and Tom and Jerry forever stamps to cover; add'l untied VFW label on reverse)
re: And now it's 1958!
Great year 1958, i went into the service and my wifes boss took his employees to the Worlds fair in Brussels ! I did not collect U.S. first day covers at the time so its kind of a blank spot in my collecting.
re: And now it's 1958!
i must have picked this one up after the fact !