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United States/Stamps : How About 1939?


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Tom in Exton, PA

10 Aug 2021
With the lack of posts lately, and I have some free time today, I thought I'd post a year from my albums!

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First, for those who have not seen my unconventional USA collection, I keep all my material together. And I collect anything I like. So you will find singles, plate blocks, interesting multiples I've come across, first day covers, covers with regular usage, labels, postcards... anything I want! It's good to be king.

There's a guy in my club who just flips out over my albums, and that "you can't do it that way!" I just smile. My logic is that if I have a single, block or FDC for any stamp issue, I have coverage! Early on I had no idea I'd amass such a collection! And it's all good!

I use the Ultra-Pro 2 pocket pages and the background is 60lb bond. I have a Word template set up that prints two headers per sheet. The sheets are 7" X 5.5" which is two easy cuts on my paper cutter.

There are also folks who tell me the pages I use are too expensive. Not when you buy 500 at a time. There are dealers on eBay I bought from for $80 postpaid. I've only had to do that twice and use the same pages for my NJ covers and other albums. Consider that I don't use mounts, the cost is minimal. And I always have plenty of pages!

For albums I simply use Staples 1" binders. Not the cheapest ones, but one step up that has a clear pocket on the spine for my labels. They also have a pocket on the inside of back and front cover where I'll keep things I haven't had time to make a page for. I use the thin binders because they're nice to sit and look through. There isn't a lot of weight, nor do the items move around in the sleeves. There are albums with several years and ones with only one year. As the collection grows, I can always split a two year book into two individual years or even have a single year book one and two! No rules, no restrictions!

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Other folks have said what I have takes up too much room. Not much, as you can see in the closet where I keep it. Two shelves so far for my USA collection. Everything from US 1 is currently in the earliest album. I haven't done albums for several of the early definitive series yet and I've only completed albums up through 1977 so far. So here's 1939...

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Golden Gate Exposition - I had purchased a large lot of old stamps and someone had collected blocks of six. So why not? I like interesting multiples. And the FDC with postmaster's stamp was cool so I included it.

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The second cover is not a first day cover, but I believe that was the exposition station cancel. Probably dated on someone's visit to the event.

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I love anything Worlds Fair! The cover is the promo cancel for the show, so yes it belongs in my collection!

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These are covers from the event. I found them interesting so I bought them. I especially like the label on the bottom card. I'll bet Elmer went to the fair!

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Although I had the previous page of Railroad covers, I liked the insert so I included this cover in my collection. I'm not limited by pages or spaces... if I want to add anything at all, I can always add a page!

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Another FDC with postmaster signature. This is from the same collector, so I'm assuming he was collecting these!

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An Anderson cachet for the issue. Note the empty space to add something. If I come across another cachet or colleterial material, it will go here.

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Baseball! This is the only commemorative for this year where I don't have a first day cover! I'll have to keep an eye out for one!

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Note that the single stamp is a corner. You'll find a lot of those in my collection. I don't know why but I've always collected these! And you'll find attached selvage, I never tear it off a stamp!

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And that's 1939 for ya! Hope you enjoyed. I can do other years if people feel it's interesting.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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10 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?

Nice. Very organized, if a bit idiosyncratic. But as you pointed out, collect what you like and organize them as you see fit!

I would like to see what is in your USA to 1940 album.

I only started this activity in fall of 2019. I have been experimenting with different kinds of pages and binders. I try to keep a collection all on the same type pages and based on some good advice early on, I am focusing on just a few areas.

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10 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?


I think your collecting system is great!


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10 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?

And 1939 was a great year ! I collect covers from the worlds fair and other various postmarks.

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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APS #187980

10 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?

Thanks very much for going to the trouble of scanning and posting this!

I really enjoyed it.

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

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10 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?

Very nice presentation and collection. Thanks for sharing as I have been looking for ideas for some blank page albums I have been collecting for the past couple of years (it is probably getting a bit ridiculous as I believe I have eight of them now from a variety of manufacturers and even time periods).

I do find that my collecting tends toward album filling but I have been looking into other options for the future. So far interesting concepts have included topical on farm tractors, historical related to World War II (my wife has an interest and it might be a way to involve her Happy ), and a chronological collection up to 1870 or so.

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APS #213005

11 Aug 2021
re: How About 1939?

Hey Tom,

Great year choice! The year of the US' first baseball commemorative stamp!

Say - I'm going to the Great American Stamp Show in Rosemont (Chicago) Ill. tomorrow for 2 days!

I will look for an FDC for ya while I'm there!

I'll be in touch!

Randy (...the baseball nut!)

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Tom in Exton, PA
10 Aug 2021

With the lack of posts lately, and I have some free time today, I thought I'd post a year from my albums!

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First, for those who have not seen my unconventional USA collection, I keep all my material together. And I collect anything I like. So you will find singles, plate blocks, interesting multiples I've come across, first day covers, covers with regular usage, labels, postcards... anything I want! It's good to be king.

There's a guy in my club who just flips out over my albums, and that "you can't do it that way!" I just smile. My logic is that if I have a single, block or FDC for any stamp issue, I have coverage! Early on I had no idea I'd amass such a collection! And it's all good!

I use the Ultra-Pro 2 pocket pages and the background is 60lb bond. I have a Word template set up that prints two headers per sheet. The sheets are 7" X 5.5" which is two easy cuts on my paper cutter.

There are also folks who tell me the pages I use are too expensive. Not when you buy 500 at a time. There are dealers on eBay I bought from for $80 postpaid. I've only had to do that twice and use the same pages for my NJ covers and other albums. Consider that I don't use mounts, the cost is minimal. And I always have plenty of pages!

For albums I simply use Staples 1" binders. Not the cheapest ones, but one step up that has a clear pocket on the spine for my labels. They also have a pocket on the inside of back and front cover where I'll keep things I haven't had time to make a page for. I use the thin binders because they're nice to sit and look through. There isn't a lot of weight, nor do the items move around in the sleeves. There are albums with several years and ones with only one year. As the collection grows, I can always split a two year book into two individual years or even have a single year book one and two! No rules, no restrictions!

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Other folks have said what I have takes up too much room. Not much, as you can see in the closet where I keep it. Two shelves so far for my USA collection. Everything from US 1 is currently in the earliest album. I haven't done albums for several of the early definitive series yet and I've only completed albums up through 1977 so far. So here's 1939...

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Golden Gate Exposition - I had purchased a large lot of old stamps and someone had collected blocks of six. So why not? I like interesting multiples. And the FDC with postmaster's stamp was cool so I included it.

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The second cover is not a first day cover, but I believe that was the exposition station cancel. Probably dated on someone's visit to the event.

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I love anything Worlds Fair! The cover is the promo cancel for the show, so yes it belongs in my collection!

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These are covers from the event. I found them interesting so I bought them. I especially like the label on the bottom card. I'll bet Elmer went to the fair!

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Although I had the previous page of Railroad covers, I liked the insert so I included this cover in my collection. I'm not limited by pages or spaces... if I want to add anything at all, I can always add a page!

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Another FDC with postmaster signature. This is from the same collector, so I'm assuming he was collecting these!

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An Anderson cachet for the issue. Note the empty space to add something. If I come across another cachet or colleterial material, it will go here.

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Baseball! This is the only commemorative for this year where I don't have a first day cover! I'll have to keep an eye out for one!

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Note that the single stamp is a corner. You'll find a lot of those in my collection. I don't know why but I've always collected these! And you'll find attached selvage, I never tear it off a stamp!

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And that's 1939 for ya! Hope you enjoyed. I can do other years if people feel it's interesting.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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10 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?

Nice. Very organized, if a bit idiosyncratic. But as you pointed out, collect what you like and organize them as you see fit!

I would like to see what is in your USA to 1940 album.

I only started this activity in fall of 2019. I have been experimenting with different kinds of pages and binders. I try to keep a collection all on the same type pages and based on some good advice early on, I am focusing on just a few areas.

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10 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?


I think your collecting system is great!


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10 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?

And 1939 was a great year ! I collect covers from the worlds fair and other various postmarks.

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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APS #187980
10 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?

Thanks very much for going to the trouble of scanning and posting this!

I really enjoyed it.

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"You gotta put down the duckie if you wanna play the saxophone. (Hoots the Owl -- Sesame Street)"

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10 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?

Very nice presentation and collection. Thanks for sharing as I have been looking for ideas for some blank page albums I have been collecting for the past couple of years (it is probably getting a bit ridiculous as I believe I have eight of them now from a variety of manufacturers and even time periods).

I do find that my collecting tends toward album filling but I have been looking into other options for the future. So far interesting concepts have included topical on farm tractors, historical related to World War II (my wife has an interest and it might be a way to involve her Happy ), and a chronological collection up to 1870 or so.

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APS #213005
11 Aug 2021

re: How About 1939?

Hey Tom,

Great year choice! The year of the US' first baseball commemorative stamp!

Say - I'm going to the Great American Stamp Show in Rosemont (Chicago) Ill. tomorrow for 2 days!

I will look for an FDC for ya while I'm there!

I'll be in touch!

Randy (...the baseball nut!)

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