The cover is the difference. The stamps inside are the same.
BK89 uses the same cover as the one illustrated following BK77. BK92 uses the cover illustrated following BK91. The image of the post rider is the easiest way to tell.
Thanks for the info. It leads me to believe that I should investigate updating my Scott Specialized Catalog. The listing for BK in the 2016 issue shows that the cover design for BK92 is BK5d which is the Post Rider without the background. The listing for the BK93 shows a BK9E booklet cover. I feel there is an error in the BK92 listing and the cover should be BK9E. Here is a pic of the listing from the 2016 Scott.
I'll check the local library for the 2021 Specialized and see what it says.
Thanks for steering me in the right direction!
Can someone explain the difference between US Booklets BK89 and BK92? I am developing a headache trying to figure it out. Even went to various sites and downloaded scans of the covers and descriptions of the contents, Everything seems to be the same. One possibility might be the Scott description above BK92 that mentions "1939 Large Background Numerals" The scans of the ones from the internet show identical covers.
re: US Stamp Booklets - BK89 vs BK92
The cover is the difference. The stamps inside are the same.
BK89 uses the same cover as the one illustrated following BK77. BK92 uses the cover illustrated following BK91. The image of the post rider is the easiest way to tell.
re: US Stamp Booklets - BK89 vs BK92
Thanks for the info. It leads me to believe that I should investigate updating my Scott Specialized Catalog. The listing for BK in the 2016 issue shows that the cover design for BK92 is BK5d which is the Post Rider without the background. The listing for the BK93 shows a BK9E booklet cover. I feel there is an error in the BK92 listing and the cover should be BK9E. Here is a pic of the listing from the 2016 Scott.
I'll check the local library for the 2021 Specialized and see what it says.
Thanks for steering me in the right direction!