$1.20 is correct for one ounce letter (say #10 or slightly larger). If you go to large envelope, the pricing changes, and my guess is that is where we're seeing.
is that an eBay generated fee?
I wasn't going to get into this, it's just to complicated. I, and many others, display stamps to be listed on black Vario stock sheets and then crop them down to size to be scanned. The stamps are then removed from the stock sheet. In many cases the cropped stock sheet is larger than a #10 envelope. As hard as it may be to believe, it appears as though someone at Ebay looked at my cropped stock sheet, determined that it was larger than a #10 envelope, and CALCULATED Shipping for the larger size. I measured my cropped stock sheet, calculated Shipping to India, and came up with $2.08 number. The person at Ebay that did this is obviously not a stamp collector and doesn't realize that the stamps will be removed from the stock sheet and put into a smaller envelope (glassine?). As I said, this really is hard to fathom.
If you sent the stamps yourself (outside of Ebay) the legal way, via at the least First Class International Parcel, the cost to India is $15.25.
It may be that Ebay has another of its special deals with the post office like it does for domestic mailing of stamps (up to three ounces) with tracking. Be happy that the charge is only $2.08.
Just curious. I just mailed what I thought should be a $1.20 1 oz. International Postage Fee to India. I quoted $1.20 Postage to the Customer. Ebay charged her $2.08, which she paid without question. Why the difference? Am I missing something? Thank you
re: 1 oz. International Postage Fee to India
$1.20 is correct for one ounce letter (say #10 or slightly larger). If you go to large envelope, the pricing changes, and my guess is that is where we're seeing.
re: 1 oz. International Postage Fee to India
is that an eBay generated fee?
re: 1 oz. International Postage Fee to India
I wasn't going to get into this, it's just to complicated. I, and many others, display stamps to be listed on black Vario stock sheets and then crop them down to size to be scanned. The stamps are then removed from the stock sheet. In many cases the cropped stock sheet is larger than a #10 envelope. As hard as it may be to believe, it appears as though someone at Ebay looked at my cropped stock sheet, determined that it was larger than a #10 envelope, and CALCULATED Shipping for the larger size. I measured my cropped stock sheet, calculated Shipping to India, and came up with $2.08 number. The person at Ebay that did this is obviously not a stamp collector and doesn't realize that the stamps will be removed from the stock sheet and put into a smaller envelope (glassine?). As I said, this really is hard to fathom.
re: 1 oz. International Postage Fee to India
If you sent the stamps yourself (outside of Ebay) the legal way, via at the least First Class International Parcel, the cost to India is $15.25.
It may be that Ebay has another of its special deals with the post office like it does for domestic mailing of stamps (up to three ounces) with tracking. Be happy that the charge is only $2.08.