Right. Assuming it is MNH. Post a scan of the cert.
Who issued the certificate?
As the certificate is from Doporto, I would suggest that it's OK. I'd still ask about the minor gum disturbances, which should have been mentioned on the certificate.
His page is at http://www.slingshotvenus.com/FranklinArchive/frnkln_archv_Main.html and his email is nerdman@ix.netcom.com. Unless the certificate is a fake (which I doubt), this stamp will be OK
Dear Perf 11,
Did you know that there are many SOR members who have dups in the U.S.Classics range that you seem interested in? I mention this because dealing member to member might be the better way to go for the high priced items. Just saying, but when dealing with members should something not be to your liking resolutions are far easier and way less costly. Posting a want/need list on SOR might be a more efficient path to follow.
Dan C.
Perf11, i have been collecting stamps all my life....there were times i jumped too quickly and regretted it, and other times i hesitated and regretted it...when i look at what i have its some decent stuff at not a lot of money per year....but it comes from many years of avoiding instant gratification. You will be amazed at what comes along after time. Few things are truly rare....take your time..enjoy...you will get a nice copy of the stamp you want. You recently joined the APS.....check what they have available in the Sales Division.
re: Hoping for a good assessment !
Right. Assuming it is MNH. Post a scan of the cert.
re: Hoping for a good assessment !
Who issued the certificate?
re: Hoping for a good assessment !
As the certificate is from Doporto, I would suggest that it's OK. I'd still ask about the minor gum disturbances, which should have been mentioned on the certificate.
His page is at http://www.slingshotvenus.com/FranklinArchive/frnkln_archv_Main.html and his email is nerdman@ix.netcom.com. Unless the certificate is a fake (which I doubt), this stamp will be OK
re: Hoping for a good assessment !
Dear Perf 11,
Did you know that there are many SOR members who have dups in the U.S.Classics range that you seem interested in? I mention this because dealing member to member might be the better way to go for the high priced items. Just saying, but when dealing with members should something not be to your liking resolutions are far easier and way less costly. Posting a want/need list on SOR might be a more efficient path to follow.
Dan C.
re: Hoping for a good assessment !
Perf11, i have been collecting stamps all my life....there were times i jumped too quickly and regretted it, and other times i hesitated and regretted it...when i look at what i have its some decent stuff at not a lot of money per year....but it comes from many years of avoiding instant gratification. You will be amazed at what comes along after time. Few things are truly rare....take your time..enjoy...you will get a nice copy of the stamp you want. You recently joined the APS.....check what they have available in the Sales Division.