Dennis, are there any particular countries that folks might like, maybe their home country or a topic that would be favourite, flowers/plants, animals etc.
Give us a few ideas and see what we can come up with. Also how are you keeping them, varios, manilla sheets, stockbooks?
I collect MNH Canadian stamps and have some duplicates that I could send. Would you want MNH or do you prefer postally used stamps?
Hello Dennis, you will be surprised by all the responses you'll get!
Hello everyone I haven't done this before so don't know what to expect. I live in what they call an Assisted Living Center, this is a place where an older person with kinks and ouch's can live in fair comfort. They have a little recreation but it's only during the day so theres nothing to do on weekends or holiday's. With the Covid crisis we are locked up here like we were in jail. So I decided to start an in house stamp group with some of my duplicates. I am an avid stamp collector and have been since my youth. It has been a big help to get them started. Bur here we have 2 problems 1) two few nice recent stamps and 2) no money, in an assisted living center the cost of staying here can take almost all of your Social Security and if you are self pay you can expect to shell out about $3,000 a month.So anyway I would like your help in getting some decent stamps for our little group before they give it up so to speak. So send us anything you want to spare. If it's unsorted no problem everyone has lots of time on their hands. On paper is ok but feeble old fingers often have trouble peelin stamps. So you can send stuff to the group incare of me and i can tell you how it was received. You can send in care of Dennis Pickering,Auberg Care Center,1340 Washington Blvd, #104, Ogden, UT 84404 USA. Appeciate it.
re: Stamps needed for old folks
Dennis, are there any particular countries that folks might like, maybe their home country or a topic that would be favourite, flowers/plants, animals etc.
Give us a few ideas and see what we can come up with. Also how are you keeping them, varios, manilla sheets, stockbooks?
re: Stamps needed for old folks
I collect MNH Canadian stamps and have some duplicates that I could send. Would you want MNH or do you prefer postally used stamps?
re: Stamps needed for old folks
Hello Dennis, you will be surprised by all the responses you'll get!