The color of the background of the red stamp may have faded over the years. As for the green one, perhaps it is a cut-out from an envelope? Not sure whether there were any printed in green.
The green Napoleon stamp looks like a forgery to me.
Here are descriptions of Genuine and Forged:
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I expect that the Middle Congo stamp is a variety that isn't listed in standard catalogues.
I'm not familiar with these stamps, but as you say, the 65-centime stamp should be on green-tinted paper. Here's a complete set that I found on line:
The Middle Congo stamp should be on a green background. I have one that is on green background but this one clearly isn't green.
The 25c France should be blue but this is obviously green
What am I doing wrong; can't find either in my Scott catalogues.
re: Two stamps that are a mystery
The color of the background of the red stamp may have faded over the years. As for the green one, perhaps it is a cut-out from an envelope? Not sure whether there were any printed in green.
re: Two stamps that are a mystery
The green Napoleon stamp looks like a forgery to me.
Here are descriptions of Genuine and Forged:
re: Two stamps that are a mystery
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I expect that the Middle Congo stamp is a variety that isn't listed in standard catalogues.
I'm not familiar with these stamps, but as you say, the 65-centime stamp should be on green-tinted paper. Here's a complete set that I found on line: