Hal Klein has a good collection/exhibit on the OverRun Counties that you can use to compare
"I haven't seen an image of the "Poland doubled" variety. This looks interesting to me, so any and all feedback will be appreciated.
I have the series and checked it out. My Poland looks exactly like this, all other overprints are thin. Is this a coincidence, or is Poland always thick. I have no spares for comparison.
I don't think it's the double impression, but it may be the reverse printing variety of the red over the black (Scott 909c). Look at the contrast of the black on the white, and then how the intensity of the black is greatly diminished on the red portion of the flag.
Here is an image of my copy and a higher resolution scan of just Poland:
That's not a double printing. The sheet would have been put through the printer twice for the red to be printed double. That would include the word "Poland", and the red portion of the flag. Two colors, two printing passes. If the red were double printed, the flag would be affected as well on both examples that are illustrated. It isn't.
I haven't seen an image of the "Poland doubled" variety. This looks interesting to me, so any and all feedback will be appreciated.
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
Hal Klein has a good collection/exhibit on the OverRun Counties that you can use to compare
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
"I haven't seen an image of the "Poland doubled" variety. This looks interesting to me, so any and all feedback will be appreciated.
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
I have the series and checked it out. My Poland looks exactly like this, all other overprints are thin. Is this a coincidence, or is Poland always thick. I have no spares for comparison.
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
I don't think it's the double impression, but it may be the reverse printing variety of the red over the black (Scott 909c). Look at the contrast of the black on the white, and then how the intensity of the black is greatly diminished on the red portion of the flag.
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
Here is an image of my copy and a higher resolution scan of just Poland:
re: Overrun Countries - Poland
That's not a double printing. The sheet would have been put through the printer twice for the red to be printed double. That would include the word "Poland", and the red portion of the flag. Two colors, two printing passes. If the red were double printed, the flag would be affected as well on both examples that are illustrated. It isn't.