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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Stamp Trading Website


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APS #213005

14 Nov 2020
Anyone familiar with/have experience with this trading website?


Ran across it when reading SOR's new member's info, which I do on occasion.

Scanned their site a bit...seems legit.

Has anyone here traded there? Just curious. Happy

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14 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

Trade Only Stamps is a very good site well managed by a fellow in the Netherlands. I’ve met many reliable, honest trading folks there and had several mutually beneficial trades. The feedback system is helpful in determining established members. Have fun!

If you’re interested in trading by catalog number, Colnect is the best I’ve found. If you want Germany, definitely try them as the site is based in Germany. The catalog cross reference information and variant data alone is worth checking out.


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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

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APS #213005

14 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

Good to know - thanks Theresa!

Only drawback I've seen so far is it is a 'busy' - i.e. cluttered - looking site...slightly difficult to navigate easily.

I think I'll give it a try though.


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14 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

I traded 10000 + stamps overtime on TOS-NL ... TODAY far fewer foreign trades as airmail rates have risen and post as parcels rather than lettermail.

3 packets never arrived ... italia, denmark, france beware of hustlers

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14 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

Beware of hustlers
Always solid advice

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14 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I've been on TOS for quite a while now and enjoy many trades, I would advise anyone to put
a listing first and see how it goes, if you reply to someone else's listing be sure that
they have good feedback, I lost too many stamps to fly by night collectors.
An even better site is 100stamps.club, you send 100 stamps to a random collector and you'll
receive also 100 stamps from another collector, you can have as many as 8 exchanges at the same time and as people receive your stamps you'll get more openings to send more stamps, after a while you'll get stamps on a regular basis, the site moderator keeps a tally of
who and when the stamps are sent and there's even and standing chart so you can see how
many stamps you've sent or received.
For advanced collectors colnect.com is probably your best choice, I was able to add several 100s stamps to my collection in just two years since I register as a member.

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APS #213005

15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

I am registered at Colnect as well.


I will have a look at the other site you mentioned as well.

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15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

I've been involved in precisely 2 trades.

The first one was supposed to be 100 Australia for 100 world. I received 100 cheap and nasty Portugal with duplicates.

The second I received nothing.

'Nuff said! Good luck to those that walk that path.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

Also be aware that sites like Colnect are selling your personal information. Most folks have no idea what ‘selling your personal information’ means or they simply think that it only means a website sells your email address. Nothing could be further from the truth; what is true is that many companies may now have more personal information about you than you have yourself!

By scraping data from many of the website you visit, and especially ones that you sign up for, third-party data companies can assemble thousands of attributes for each of us. This is not anything like your social security number, phone number, or email address. No, this is more like a personal profile of who you are, what you do, and what you consume. They know things like if you’ve just gone through a divorce or marriage, if you’re pregnant or trying to lose weight, whether you’re an extrovert, what medicine you take, where you’ve been in your town or city. When you use or sign up for these ‘free’ website the site themselves are typically not the companies that are building and maintaining your online personal profile; they are simply selling a few pieces of a much larger mosaic on you and your life. There are third party companies, many of which you have never even heard of, that are the ones who have billions of personal profiles on most of us. But website like Colnect play a role in not simply sending them your sign up personal data but ongoing data each time you use the site. For example, Colnet know exactly what website you just visited and what website you navigate to as you leave.

At some point, hopefully soon, these companies will be forced to reveal the personal data they have compiled on us. Last year one state, Vermont, forced (via new laws) some of the companies to reveal the scope of the data that they were gathering on everyone. Here is a graphic of the scope
Image Not Found

Note: I am not some kooky conspiracy theory person. I am a person who, unfortunately, spent part of my career building a part of this data gathering infrastructure. At the time, I thought that our grocery chain customers were only building personal data profiles simply to offer instore coupons and rewards. It was only much later that I came to find that they were making far more money selling personal data to third party companies like those shown above. The concern here is not that Colnect or your local grocery chain is using your personal data, it is that they have absolutely no control after it get sold and resold many, many times. They have absolutely no control over who has your personal information, or how it is being used, after it passed through multiple hands.

Luckily many small sites (like this one) are not doing this, but you need to carefully read the Terms of Use / Privacy Policy for each site. Assume that the site will be somewhat vague about them selling your information; anything that even sounds a bit suspect should be a warning flag. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

I cancelled my account with Colnet as I got fed up with the nagware emails that were arriving in my mailbox almost daily.

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15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

I tried Tradeonlystamps about 2 years ago, messaged several ads and only 2 replied. One was happy to trade but then never replied again, the other one I had sent pictures of the stuff I had to exchange but after several delaying messages they stopped communicating without any explanation, so at that point I gave up.

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

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15 Nov 2020
re: Stamp Trading Website

Awwwww maybe I had better luck because they just are nicer to us gals in the trading circles hahaha!

Also I only responded to newer ads and only to folks with oodles of positive feedback.

OR maybe it’s just the luck O’ the Irish, eh?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"



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APS #213005
14 Nov 2020

Anyone familiar with/have experience with this trading website?


Ran across it when reading SOR's new member's info, which I do on occasion.

Scanned their site a bit...seems legit.

Has anyone here traded there? Just curious. Happy

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14 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

Trade Only Stamps is a very good site well managed by a fellow in the Netherlands. I’ve met many reliable, honest trading folks there and had several mutually beneficial trades. The feedback system is helpful in determining established members. Have fun!

If you’re interested in trading by catalog number, Colnect is the best I’ve found. If you want Germany, definitely try them as the site is based in Germany. The catalog cross reference information and variant data alone is worth checking out.


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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...
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APS #213005
14 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

Good to know - thanks Theresa!

Only drawback I've seen so far is it is a 'busy' - i.e. cluttered - looking site...slightly difficult to navigate easily.

I think I'll give it a try though.


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14 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I traded 10000 + stamps overtime on TOS-NL ... TODAY far fewer foreign trades as airmail rates have risen and post as parcels rather than lettermail.

3 packets never arrived ... italia, denmark, france beware of hustlers

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machinstudygroup.blo ...
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14 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

Beware of hustlers
Always solid advice

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14 Nov 2020


re: Stamp Trading Website

I've been on TOS for quite a while now and enjoy many trades, I would advise anyone to put
a listing first and see how it goes, if you reply to someone else's listing be sure that
they have good feedback, I lost too many stamps to fly by night collectors.
An even better site is 100stamps.club, you send 100 stamps to a random collector and you'll
receive also 100 stamps from another collector, you can have as many as 8 exchanges at the same time and as people receive your stamps you'll get more openings to send more stamps, after a while you'll get stamps on a regular basis, the site moderator keeps a tally of
who and when the stamps are sent and there's even and standing chart so you can see how
many stamps you've sent or received.
For advanced collectors colnect.com is probably your best choice, I was able to add several 100s stamps to my collection in just two years since I register as a member.

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colnect.com/en/colle ...
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APS #213005
15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I am registered at Colnect as well.


I will have a look at the other site you mentioned as well.

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15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I've been involved in precisely 2 trades.

The first one was supposed to be 100 Australia for 100 world. I received 100 cheap and nasty Portugal with duplicates.

The second I received nothing.

'Nuff said! Good luck to those that walk that path.

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www.b1d.com/store/gl ...
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

Also be aware that sites like Colnect are selling your personal information. Most folks have no idea what ‘selling your personal information’ means or they simply think that it only means a website sells your email address. Nothing could be further from the truth; what is true is that many companies may now have more personal information about you than you have yourself!

By scraping data from many of the website you visit, and especially ones that you sign up for, third-party data companies can assemble thousands of attributes for each of us. This is not anything like your social security number, phone number, or email address. No, this is more like a personal profile of who you are, what you do, and what you consume. They know things like if you’ve just gone through a divorce or marriage, if you’re pregnant or trying to lose weight, whether you’re an extrovert, what medicine you take, where you’ve been in your town or city. When you use or sign up for these ‘free’ website the site themselves are typically not the companies that are building and maintaining your online personal profile; they are simply selling a few pieces of a much larger mosaic on you and your life. There are third party companies, many of which you have never even heard of, that are the ones who have billions of personal profiles on most of us. But website like Colnect play a role in not simply sending them your sign up personal data but ongoing data each time you use the site. For example, Colnet know exactly what website you just visited and what website you navigate to as you leave.

At some point, hopefully soon, these companies will be forced to reveal the personal data they have compiled on us. Last year one state, Vermont, forced (via new laws) some of the companies to reveal the scope of the data that they were gathering on everyone. Here is a graphic of the scope
Image Not Found

Note: I am not some kooky conspiracy theory person. I am a person who, unfortunately, spent part of my career building a part of this data gathering infrastructure. At the time, I thought that our grocery chain customers were only building personal data profiles simply to offer instore coupons and rewards. It was only much later that I came to find that they were making far more money selling personal data to third party companies like those shown above. The concern here is not that Colnect or your local grocery chain is using your personal data, it is that they have absolutely no control after it get sold and resold many, many times. They have absolutely no control over who has your personal information, or how it is being used, after it passed through multiple hands.

Luckily many small sites (like this one) are not doing this, but you need to carefully read the Terms of Use / Privacy Policy for each site. Assume that the site will be somewhat vague about them selling your information; anything that even sounds a bit suspect should be a warning flag. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I cancelled my account with Colnet as I got fed up with the nagware emails that were arriving in my mailbox almost daily.

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15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

I tried Tradeonlystamps about 2 years ago, messaged several ads and only 2 replied. One was happy to trade but then never replied again, the other one I had sent pictures of the stuff I had to exchange but after several delaying messages they stopped communicating without any explanation, so at that point I gave up.

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

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15 Nov 2020

re: Stamp Trading Website

Awwwww maybe I had better luck because they just are nicer to us gals in the trading circles hahaha!

Also I only responded to newer ads and only to folks with oodles of positive feedback.

OR maybe it’s just the luck O’ the Irish, eh?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

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