Now some color pictures of examples :
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Normal overprint
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Rotated overprint
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Across overprint
They even exists on envelopes mixed with Deutsches Reich stamps.
or alone.......
Can someone help me with this french article :
I only know that it was scanned (from a newspaper??), but the words are sometimes wrong....... and it handles the Rheinische Republik.
My french is more than terrible. Anyone?
République rhénane. — La République rhénane dont lo gou¬vernement avait établi le siège á Wiesbaden a (reis 'In novembre, une série de timbres qui devaient servir aux besOins postaux de la jeune république. On salt que celle-ci. n'eut qu'une durée éphémère et qu'á 1'exception du Palatinat elle; n'obtint qu'un succ,ès relatif.
L'émission se eomposait de buit valeurs postales allemandes surchargées de deux lettres « B » (République Rhénarie) et natu-rellement d'inScriptions en millions. Les lettres « B. » sont de différents types pour chaque V2eur.
La maison M. Fischer á qui nous devons eelt() obligeante com-munication nous dil qu'une des particularités de' ce tirage, est que leg différents timbres :1111 composent la série sorit imprimés. en paire, sur la même fenille, si bion qu'en découpani la fenille horizontaleruent et par bande, l'on obtient en paire la série complète! Au centre de; la feuille, on trouve en paircs se tenant des. 20 et 3o millions.
eette érnission allait être mise en vente aux guichets postaux lorsque le gouvernement séparatiste dut se retirer devant la réaC-tion provoquée par Berlin. Au surplus, le gouvernement venant précisément de créer la nouvelle monnaie en pfennig et gulden, l'cinploi de timbre valeur en millions, •devenait d'un emploi plus dit ticil e.
Il résulte d'un constfit officie' en dato du g janvier que los chiffres de tirage ont été les suivants
10 50 tausend 6.21o
20 9.360
30 9.360
50 6.26o
10 millions sur 1 million 33.940 exemplaires
20 50.910
30 50.910
50 33.940
Quoique non én'iis ces timbres ont néanrnoins affranchi des correspondances dont plusieurs sont parvenucis á Paris.
Hope this helps
Rhine Republic. â € ”The Rhine Republic of which the government had established the seat in Wiesbaden has (reis' In November, a series of stamps which were to be used for the postal needs of the young republic It is said that this one had only an ephemeral duration and that, with the exception of the Palatinate, it obtained only a relative success.
The program consisted of eight German postal bills overloaded with two letters "B" (Rhone Republic) and of course entries in millions. The letters "B." are of different types for each V2eur.
The M. Fischer house, to whom we owe eelt () obliging communication to us, tell us that one of the peculiarities of this edition is that the different stamps: 1111 make up the printed output series. in pairs, on the same fenille, so good that by cutting the fenille horizontally and in bands, we obtain the complete series as a pair! In the center of; the leaf, we find in pairs holding each other. 20 and 3o million.
This program was going to go on sale at post offices when the separatist government had to withdraw in the face of the reaction caused by Berlin. In addition, the government having just created the new currency in pfennig and gulden, the use of stamps worth in millions, â € ¢ was becoming a more ticil e use.
It results from a constfit official 'in date of January g that the numbers of draw were the following
10 50 tausend 6.21o
20 9.360
30 9.360
50 6.26o
10 million out of 1 million 33,940 copies
20 50.910
30 50.910
50 33,940
Although not yet these stamps have nonetheless freed correspondence, several of which reached Paris.
thanks for the history lesson. That's why I collect stamps. So much history reflected. Much that isn't taught today.
Thanks mbo1142,
Now I can see that there are a lot of scan-mistakes.
"with two letters "B" (Rhone Republic)" has to be :
"with two letters "R" (Rhine Republic)"
Appreciate your help on this.
thanks for the history lesson. That's why I collect stamps. So much history reflected. Much that isn't taught today.
The Rhine Republic
When Germany was reorganized after World War I, one of the most important questions was whether the former German territories had lost their right to exist after the monarchy was eliminated? The restructuring of the German Reich, and particularly the separation from Prussia, was the cause of a secessionist movement in the Rhineland. This region had belonged to Prussia since the Congress of Vienna of 1815, but parts of the territory had been occupied by the French since the end of the war. The Rhineland strove for its own governmental existence within a new German Empire.
On December 4, 1918, the creation of a Rhine Republic was demanded at an event of the German Centre party. This idea was difficult to achieve, mainly because France was also trying to realize its own war objectives, including the removal of the areas west of the Rhine from Germany as a step toward the desired deciine of the German Reich. However, the Social-Democrats and the bourgeois parties in Germany considered the intended separation of the Rhineland to be a first step toward the final removal of the region from the Reich. Thus, the "Council of the Peoples' Representatives," the name of the German government in those days, opposed the intended secession in a proclamation on December 11, 1918. Eight days later, the Congress of the Workers and Soldiers Soviets, who strove for a pan-German socialist state, also expressed their opposition to individual countries leaving the association of German countries. Finally, the social-democratic Prussia wouldn't even consider abandoning its western regions. Therefore, all attempts by the proclamation to create a Rhine Republic—before the final constitution for the Rhineland was settled—became illegal.
The Rhineland separatists, under the leadership of farmer prosecuting attorney Dr. Hans Dorten, tried to rally support from the French occupying power and were backed by General Manguin, commander-in-chief of the French occupying army. On June 1, 1919, the first Rhine Republic under French patronage was proclaimed. It existed until April 3, 1920.
France's interest in the western Rhineland territories, particularly in the Ruhr area, was to some measure politically based, but mostly grounded in economic reasons. France attempted to assume control over the coal and ore deposits of the Ruhr area. An insignificant delay in the immense reparations Germany had to make to the victorious powers resulted in the occupation of the Ruhrgebiet by a French-Belgian army in January 1923. The German government stopped all reparations at once, and the civilian population abandoned mines, factories, and railroads in the Ruhr area as a means of passive resistance. The German government then had to support the "jobless" Ruhrgebiet with money and food, and the solvency of Germany was threatened by financing the Ruhr struggle. A galloping inflation followed, and the value of the Reichsmark fell int° an abyss. At the beginning of the Ruhr occupation in January 1923, one dollar was equivalent to 1,800 Reichsmark; at the peak of the inflation, near the end of 1923, one dollar was worth 4.2 trillion Reichsmark. It was vital for German industry to resume work as fast as possible, so it was forced to open negotiations with the occupying power. France, hoping to get the German economy under control, even planned to create a distinctive Rhineland currency. Additionally, by supporting the Rhineland separatists, France hoped to gain Political control over the occupied areas as well. Under the protection of the occupying forces the separatists succeeded in overthrowing the local government. On October 21, 1923 a Rhine Republic was proclaimed in Aachen, and its seat of government was installed in Wiesbaden.
A few days later the issue of distinctive postage stamps was planned. Two issues were ready by November. They consisted of German stamps overprinted with "RR" (Rhine Republic) and a surcharge of the new value, which would have been 10, 20, 30 or 50 Millionen (Mark). The overprint was done in black or dark green.
Each denomination of the overprints is printed in a horizontal row of the sheet.
The letters “R.R.” are different in every value.
Sheets of the current 50,000 Mark stamps were overprinted for the first issue. The second issue consisted of similar overprints on the one million Mark denomination. In a horizontal row of each sheet all values were applied as follows: 10, 10, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 30, 50, 50 (Millionen). The letter type of "R" is different in every value. The quantity overprinted was 31,200 for the first issue (6,240 for the 10 and 50 million values, 9,360 for the 20 and 30 million values) and 169,700 for the second issue (33,940 for the 10 and 50 million values, 50,910 for the 20 and 30 million values each). None of these stamps ever reached any post office, but some examples were used on mail. The following cancellation dates are known to the author: "Wiesbaden 8.2.23," "Biebrich (Rhein) 1.2.24," and "Biebrich (Rhein) 2.3.24," and "Wiesbaden 23.3.24." All four dates are impossible on genuine mail since the Rhine Republic existed from October 21, 1923 to January 31, 1924.
An official document by the provisional government of the Rhine Republic verifies the authenticity of the stamps. A copy of each denomination of the overprinted stamps is affixed to this document. The stamps are cancelled with a special circular stamp "Rheinische Volksvereinigung Wiesbaden General-Sekretariat" ("Rhinelanders' community Wiesbaden Secretary General"), The paper is dated January 9, 1924, and signed by N. Kiefer, attorney general of the government of the Rhine Republic:
Official Certificate
The above stamps are specimens of the first and only issue of commemorative
stamps of the provisional government of the Rhine Republic, issued by the
provisional government in November 1923.
The numbers issued were as follows :
...(here the numbers of issues follow as given above)...
The plates were destroyed under official supervision.
Certified by signature and official stamp.
The provisional government of the Rhine Republic (signed)
N. Kiefer Wiesbaden, January 9th, 1924.
The total of 200,900 overprinted examples is very high considering the fact that the government of the Rhine Republic must have had these stamps at its disposal to have them overprinted. Another 12 different German stamps were also overprinted in a quantity of 8,000 for trial purposes. A second document from the same date reads:
A large portion of these proofs was later added to the definitive issue.
The total issue therefore amounts to 208,900 stamps.
We expressly state that beyond these stamps no other issue has appeared.
The last sentence of this quotation obviously refers to another issue of Rhine Republic stamps that also appeared in November 1923, and from which Kiefer distanced himself.
The final issues were printed on the 50,000 Mark and the 1 million Mark stamps.
A number of trail proofs are also known on 12 other denominations
Cancelled copies of the Rhine Republic stamps are exceedingly rare. Those illustrated here are postmarked "Wiesbaden 8.2.23" --- an impossible date. The Rhine Republic was proclaimed on October 21, 1923.
These stamps were illustrated first in the Swiss Nationalzeitung of November 16, 1923. They have a very simple design, the letters "RR," and the denomination framed by an ornamental border. A currency is missing, perhaps because the planned Rhineland special currency did not yet exist. It is said that the value would represent gold pennies that would be transferred into German paper Marks or French Francs. There are four denominations, a 5, 10, 15, and a 20 stamp. The figures are in green, except the "5," which is blue. The frame and the letters "RR" are in green on the 5, red on the 10, and brown on the 15.
Letters bearing these stamps reportedly exist with cancellations of Königswinter and Honeff on the Rhine, but these are items cancelled to order by the demand of private citizens. The covers represent the attempt to legalize the stamps and to assume a regular postal transportation.
The Rhine Republic stamps of Swiss stamp dealer Guggenheim from Zurich were printed in November 1923. The currency is omitted, perhaps because the status of the
Rhine Republic was stil unclear at that time.
These stamps are the outcome of an agreement between Swiss stamp dealer Guggenheim from Zurich and Rhineland separatist leaders. Guggenheim paid 15,000 Swiss Francs for the right to produce stamps for the Rhine Republic. When the establishment of the republic failed, Guggenheim apparently attempted to feign a separatist post by applying several cancellations to a few copies or covers. He had to make his stamps philatelically popular in order to get back at least a part of his expenditures. Such cancellations were reported in the German philatelic magazine Sammler-Woche of January 5, 1924. They were described as "rubber stamps, usually in color, that show different inscriptions 'to the people.' The silhouette of a girl's head crowned with branches and fruit was printed in black on a 1000 Mark postage stamp, and above there is a box cancel inscribed Rep. L. Prop.' The date of our specimen is November 7, 1923. "The report referred expressly to Guggenheim and his RR stamps. However, it is unclear what is meant by the "1000 Mark" stamp since Guggenheim's stamps had no "1000" value and no currency
It cannot be verified that the separatist leaders who concluded the treaty with Guggenheim were authorized by the provisional government of the Rhine Republic. At any rate, N. Kiefer, the attorney general of the RR government, was obviously aware of these stamps and expressly denied their authenticity. Probably they were never accepted by the separatists because the "revolver republic," as the RR was sometimes called later, did not last. The separatists were dropped by France after a few weeks when England declared unambiguously that it would never accept such a satellite state.
Moreover, separatism was not backed by the population. A German history book even wrote that "the leaders of the separatist movement were beaten to death in a less-than-human way by the civilians of the Rhineland." On January 31, 1924, the Rhine Republic ceased to exist.
Today, all RR stamps — the genuine overprinted stamps as well as the Guggenheim stamps — are difficult to find. They illustrate a chapter of a revolutionary period of Germany when the country struggled for a new identity after World War I.
Source : Philatelic Witness / Chapter 2
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
Now some color pictures of examples :
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Normal overprint
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Rotated overprint
Privat stamps of the "Separatisten Bewegung" Across overprint
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
They even exists on envelopes mixed with Deutsches Reich stamps.
or alone.......
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
Can someone help me with this french article :
I only know that it was scanned (from a newspaper??), but the words are sometimes wrong....... and it handles the Rheinische Republik.
My french is more than terrible. Anyone?
République rhénane. — La République rhénane dont lo gou¬vernement avait établi le siège á Wiesbaden a (reis 'In novembre, une série de timbres qui devaient servir aux besOins postaux de la jeune république. On salt que celle-ci. n'eut qu'une durée éphémère et qu'á 1'exception du Palatinat elle; n'obtint qu'un succ,ès relatif.
L'émission se eomposait de buit valeurs postales allemandes surchargées de deux lettres « B » (République Rhénarie) et natu-rellement d'inScriptions en millions. Les lettres « B. » sont de différents types pour chaque V2eur.
La maison M. Fischer á qui nous devons eelt() obligeante com-munication nous dil qu'une des particularités de' ce tirage, est que leg différents timbres :1111 composent la série sorit imprimés. en paire, sur la même fenille, si bion qu'en découpani la fenille horizontaleruent et par bande, l'on obtient en paire la série complète! Au centre de; la feuille, on trouve en paircs se tenant des. 20 et 3o millions.
eette érnission allait être mise en vente aux guichets postaux lorsque le gouvernement séparatiste dut se retirer devant la réaC-tion provoquée par Berlin. Au surplus, le gouvernement venant précisément de créer la nouvelle monnaie en pfennig et gulden, l'cinploi de timbre valeur en millions, •devenait d'un emploi plus dit ticil e.
Il résulte d'un constfit officie' en dato du g janvier que los chiffres de tirage ont été les suivants
10 50 tausend 6.21o
20 9.360
30 9.360
50 6.26o
10 millions sur 1 million 33.940 exemplaires
20 50.910
30 50.910
50 33.940
Quoique non én'iis ces timbres ont néanrnoins affranchi des correspondances dont plusieurs sont parvenucis á Paris.
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
Hope this helps
Rhine Republic. â € ”The Rhine Republic of which the government had established the seat in Wiesbaden has (reis' In November, a series of stamps which were to be used for the postal needs of the young republic It is said that this one had only an ephemeral duration and that, with the exception of the Palatinate, it obtained only a relative success.
The program consisted of eight German postal bills overloaded with two letters "B" (Rhone Republic) and of course entries in millions. The letters "B." are of different types for each V2eur.
The M. Fischer house, to whom we owe eelt () obliging communication to us, tell us that one of the peculiarities of this edition is that the different stamps: 1111 make up the printed output series. in pairs, on the same fenille, so good that by cutting the fenille horizontally and in bands, we obtain the complete series as a pair! In the center of; the leaf, we find in pairs holding each other. 20 and 3o million.
This program was going to go on sale at post offices when the separatist government had to withdraw in the face of the reaction caused by Berlin. In addition, the government having just created the new currency in pfennig and gulden, the use of stamps worth in millions, â € ¢ was becoming a more ticil e use.
It results from a constfit official 'in date of January g that the numbers of draw were the following
10 50 tausend 6.21o
20 9.360
30 9.360
50 6.26o
10 million out of 1 million 33,940 copies
20 50.910
30 50.910
50 33,940
Although not yet these stamps have nonetheless freed correspondence, several of which reached Paris.
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
thanks for the history lesson. That's why I collect stamps. So much history reflected. Much that isn't taught today.
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
Thanks mbo1142,
Now I can see that there are a lot of scan-mistakes.
"with two letters "B" (Rhone Republic)" has to be :
"with two letters "R" (Rhine Republic)"
Appreciate your help on this.
re: Die Rheinische Republik / The Rhine Republic
thanks for the history lesson. That's why I collect stamps. So much history reflected. Much that isn't taught today.