The Argentina map with bordering countries MNH is selling for about $20 on HipStamp
It was only in use a short time compared to the 1937 stamp .
In 1936 Argentina issued a stamp showing Argentina dark color and outlines of the other South American countries (Scott 445) In 1937 (Scott 446) they said forget the other countries and just the continent with Argentina high lighted in darker color. In 1951 they issued Scott 594 showing Argentina and claims to an area of Antarctica. I have a sneaker box full of the center stamp..a glassine of the 1951 stamp but only 2 of the original, one in a Argentina album and one in my Scott International. I don't know why i find the first stamp so hard to find...i suppose because the second version came out only a year later and was in use much longer.
re: Argentina map stamps 1936-1951
The Argentina map with bordering countries MNH is selling for about $20 on HipStamp
re: Argentina map stamps 1936-1951
It was only in use a short time compared to the 1937 stamp .