One of the 85?'s has only one copy known in private hands. My understanding is that Bill Gross managed to get it by trading possibly a block of C3A's for it which allowed him to have the ONLY possible complete USA collection in private hands.
That was very thoughtful of her, Harvey!
(And what a nice memory.)
I read the story about Bill Gross and his complete collection. Does that mean he had 85A to 85E, I believe A lists for $3 000 000 (the estimated value of the block of Inverted Jennys) and 85E (I think) lists for $2 000 000, those Z-grills are expensive. My wife had a very dry sense of humour, examples show up occasionally. She knew I would eventually find them!
I love your wife, Harvey.
My wife supported my hobby in her own way as well. It was very touching.
My wife died of cancer 5 years ago and I'm still finding examples of her dry sense of humour! I got a really nice copy of US Scott #87 today and when I put it in my Liberty album I noticed that my wife had spaces at the bottom of the page labeled 85A to 85F. I checked my Scott's to see how much they would cost - now all I need is about $6 000 000 to fill those gaps that my wife so thoughtfully put there. Does anyone have them at a more reasonable price? That page will probably never be filled anyway, the series with #87 as a member is a bit pricey!!!!
re: 85A to 85F anyone?
One of the 85?'s has only one copy known in private hands. My understanding is that Bill Gross managed to get it by trading possibly a block of C3A's for it which allowed him to have the ONLY possible complete USA collection in private hands.
re: 85A to 85F anyone?
That was very thoughtful of her, Harvey!
(And what a nice memory.)
re: 85A to 85F anyone?
I read the story about Bill Gross and his complete collection. Does that mean he had 85A to 85E, I believe A lists for $3 000 000 (the estimated value of the block of Inverted Jennys) and 85E (I think) lists for $2 000 000, those Z-grills are expensive. My wife had a very dry sense of humour, examples show up occasionally. She knew I would eventually find them!
re: 85A to 85F anyone?
I love your wife, Harvey.
My wife supported my hobby in her own way as well. It was very touching.