It is most likely the Siam (Thailand) 1895 10 atts overprint on 24 atts. It could be, but unlikely the 1899 overprint. The former is worth a couple of dollars while the latter is very expensive. I often see the former described as the latter on eBay. I have about twenty of this value but they are all the cheap ones;-) The Scott numbers are 49 and 57. Thai collectors refer to them as the small 10 and the big 10.
With the former there are quite a few varieties with both the English and the Thai overprints. The "s" and "0" in the English part are seen upside down as an example.
How to tell them apart?
Scott 49 the English surcharge is 11.5 or 11.75 mm and the Thai is 15 or 15.25 mm long
Scott 57 the English surcharge is 12.5 mm and the Thai is 16.5 mm long
500,040 of Scott 49 were printed and 120,000 of Scott 57. With the latter the suspicion is very few were actually issued hence its local catalogue value of about $800.
I hope everyone is looking through their stockbooks with a ruler in one hand
Its an interesting stamp. Trying to identify it is impossible for me . I dont have anything that will measure 1 mm and the cancel is no help
Thanks for info
The 1mm difference is a visible amount. Maybe convert the lengths to inches and measure with an inch only ruler. It is easier with a magnifier.
there are good (accurate) see-through rulers made for the stamp hobby that allow you to overlay the ruler to the stamp and get accurate measurements. Amos Press sells them, and I've used mine for 20 years (because it's invisible, it is ESSENTIAL to return it to the same place on your desk after every use). That ruler also measures perforations, and has other measurements as well. A worthwhile investment.
Thanks Danny& David
With all your help i have identified the stamp.
Its was a lot easier with your help
re: Help Identify
It is most likely the Siam (Thailand) 1895 10 atts overprint on 24 atts. It could be, but unlikely the 1899 overprint. The former is worth a couple of dollars while the latter is very expensive. I often see the former described as the latter on eBay. I have about twenty of this value but they are all the cheap ones;-) The Scott numbers are 49 and 57. Thai collectors refer to them as the small 10 and the big 10.
With the former there are quite a few varieties with both the English and the Thai overprints. The "s" and "0" in the English part are seen upside down as an example.
How to tell them apart?
Scott 49 the English surcharge is 11.5 or 11.75 mm and the Thai is 15 or 15.25 mm long
Scott 57 the English surcharge is 12.5 mm and the Thai is 16.5 mm long
500,040 of Scott 49 were printed and 120,000 of Scott 57. With the latter the suspicion is very few were actually issued hence its local catalogue value of about $800.
re: Help Identify
I hope everyone is looking through their stockbooks with a ruler in one hand
re: Help Identify
Its an interesting stamp. Trying to identify it is impossible for me . I dont have anything that will measure 1 mm and the cancel is no help
Thanks for info
re: Help Identify
The 1mm difference is a visible amount. Maybe convert the lengths to inches and measure with an inch only ruler. It is easier with a magnifier.
re: Help Identify
there are good (accurate) see-through rulers made for the stamp hobby that allow you to overlay the ruler to the stamp and get accurate measurements. Amos Press sells them, and I've used mine for 20 years (because it's invisible, it is ESSENTIAL to return it to the same place on your desk after every use). That ruler also measures perforations, and has other measurements as well. A worthwhile investment.
re: Help Identify
Thanks Danny& David
With all your help i have identified the stamp.
Its was a lot easier with your help