There are also a bunch of new car model builders since lockdown. They are hitting the boards asking for help.
Stamp collecting is back!
In recent months there has been a number of news stories on stamp collecting’s growing appeal. The Observer recently ran a feature entitled ‘Postmodern: why millennials have fallen in love with stamp collecting’ which claimed the hobby was becoming popular as an escape from ‘screen-based lives’;
the Daily Mail followed suit with a report entitled ‘Rise of the middle-aged millennials! From cross-stitching to stamp collecting, how people in their 20s and 30s are picking up old-fashioned hobbies to pass the time in lockdown’; whilst the Wall Street Journal recently ran with ‘Why Stamp Collecting Is Suddenly Back in Vogue’.
re: Stamp collecting is back!
There are also a bunch of new car model builders since lockdown. They are hitting the boards asking for help.