You're right! -- The top one is Japanese Occupation of Netherlands Indies. It's actually listed in Scott, N31. My oldish 2017 catalog prices it at $0.40 unused. (It's part of a set of 11.)
The bottom one is a Japanese revenue. I'm not good off the top of my head on telling you exactly which type, but it resonates with me as not being uncommon.
Edited to add: If you don't have the "N" volume of a Scott handy, the issue year for that occupation set is 1943.
Again, off the top of my head, I don't have a good feeling for the revenue stamp, but I think it would be 20th century, before the end of WW2. (But I could be really wrong about this.)
General Purpose Revenue , 3 Sen
1924 on granite paper with zig-zag wmk - "Taisho series"
Showa series on white paper 1937
Thanks for the information on these stamps. I ran across quite few revenue stamps from several countries when I bought this small collection. I also picked up a few Japanese occupation issues, most of them for the Philippines. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I recently acquired a small collection of world-wide stamps dating ca. 1962 or earlier and I've come across a few items that I either can't find in my Scott's catalog or I just can't identify. I'm guessing that these Japanese stamps have no real value but I would still like to know something about them. I'm guessing that the first one is an occupation stamp from somewhere in Asia. Any idea as to the dates issued? How common are they? Any input will be appreciated. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
re: Help with Identification...
You're right! -- The top one is Japanese Occupation of Netherlands Indies. It's actually listed in Scott, N31. My oldish 2017 catalog prices it at $0.40 unused. (It's part of a set of 11.)
The bottom one is a Japanese revenue. I'm not good off the top of my head on telling you exactly which type, but it resonates with me as not being uncommon.
Edited to add: If you don't have the "N" volume of a Scott handy, the issue year for that occupation set is 1943.
Again, off the top of my head, I don't have a good feeling for the revenue stamp, but I think it would be 20th century, before the end of WW2. (But I could be really wrong about this.)
re: Help with Identification...
General Purpose Revenue , 3 Sen
1924 on granite paper with zig-zag wmk - "Taisho series"
Showa series on white paper 1937
re: Help with Identification...
Thanks for the information on these stamps. I ran across quite few revenue stamps from several countries when I bought this small collection. I also picked up a few Japanese occupation issues, most of them for the Philippines. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave