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United States/Stamps : Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?



13 Jan 2020
I have a bunch of stamps from Cuba, and I would like to list them on eBay.
I have seen others listed on eBay, so I am assuming the sellers do not live in the USA?

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Vic b.
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13 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

There's a good chance that Ebay will shut them down if you list them there. You can list them here.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

13 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

I started collecting Cuba because it connects with my US collection. I've wondered why there are very few Cuba stamps on E-Bay, I guess now I know why. I have bought quite a few Cuba stamps on SOR and the prices they sell for seem fair to the buyer and the seller. I just checked my invoices and noticed I have bought Cuban stamps from at least six different sellers. I'm sure one more would be welcome. It's too bad politics invades our great hobby!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

13 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Politics have been involved with postage stamps almost from the day that they were invented.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

13 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

You can sell Cuban stamps on eBay but you cannot use the word 'Cuba' in the title or description. eBay does not employ people to review listings, they simply use algorithms to check each listing when it is submitted. These algorithms examine the list to make sure it does not contain anything offensive or that the country has laws which make it illegal to sell. Since the US has an embargo on selling some things from Cuba (and North Korea, etc.) then eBay USA will flag and reject a listing with any of the offending words.

So there are literally hundreds of Cuban stamps listed on eBay but under different names like 'Caribbean islands'. Makes searching/finding them a bit tricky but they are there if you are willing to hunt them down.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Although I've never sold anything on Delcampe.net, an eBay-like company whose head office is in Soignies , Belgium, I have bought many covers and stamps there, including Cuban items. The web site draws more European than North American sellers, and naturally has a larger proportion of European than North American collectibles. The only drawbacks I have encountered is that sellers sometimes don't speak English (that's never resulted in a failed purchase), and that some of them use Skrill rather than PayPal or North American-based credit cards, which has caused problems for me.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

14 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Just for the heck of it I checked Delcampe and looked up one of the countries I collect - Russia. They had over 500,000 Russian stamps. I got the hell out of there until I have a bit more time to look around. It sounds like I can find almost anything there, I wonder what the prices are like. I must check it out later!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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14 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Delcampe's sellers' prices seem to be in line with eBay (or eBay's prices are in line with Delcampe), and shipping prices are usually reasonable as well. What I like most about it the ability to find stamps and covers that aren't always easy to find on eBay.

I don't pay a lot of attention to prices. Of course, I'm not made of money nor did I marry a wealthy wife, so I'm not going pay X dollars when I know that I can easily find the same thing for Y dollars elsewhere, or at another time. But as any postal history collector knows, the best covers are one-of-a-kind, and price is a consideration only if you simply can't afford it.

I once paid about $300 for a cover from a ship that had been torpedoed north of Ireland in 1940. A friend who has spent his entire working life collecting, buying, and selling stamps and covers and preparing them for auction, advised against buying it, saying I could easily find another if I waited. I ignored his advice, and I'm glad I did, for I've only seen four or five others similar covers since then, all for big bucks. And I got a lot of bang for my bucks: researching it was the equivalent of a university course that might be titled "Battle of the Atlantic 101," and gave me the knowledge to present the cover's back story to a meeting of a British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) study group and write an article about it for my stamp club's newsletter.


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15 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

You can buy and sell stamps from Cuba on HipStamp and Stamporama! There is a member here who sells Cuban new issues.

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APS #213005

16 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Just went on Ebay and typed in "Cuba stamps"

and got a long list of Cuba stamps and covers for sale......


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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

17 Jan 2020
re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

There are other ways to dodge the algorithm such as adding a number to the word Cuba ( i.e. Cuba6 or 2Cuba). eBay probably only needs to prove they are doing 'do diligence' to satisfy he Feds that they are following the laws; having the filter algorithm in place is enough to cover themselves.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"




13 Jan 2020

I have a bunch of stamps from Cuba, and I would like to list them on eBay.
I have seen others listed on eBay, so I am assuming the sellers do not live in the USA?

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Vic b.

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13 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

There's a good chance that Ebay will shut them down if you list them there. You can list them here.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
13 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

I started collecting Cuba because it connects with my US collection. I've wondered why there are very few Cuba stamps on E-Bay, I guess now I know why. I have bought quite a few Cuba stamps on SOR and the prices they sell for seem fair to the buyer and the seller. I just checked my invoices and noticed I have bought Cuban stamps from at least six different sellers. I'm sure one more would be welcome. It's too bad politics invades our great hobby!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

13 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Politics have been involved with postage stamps almost from the day that they were invented.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
13 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

You can sell Cuban stamps on eBay but you cannot use the word 'Cuba' in the title or description. eBay does not employ people to review listings, they simply use algorithms to check each listing when it is submitted. These algorithms examine the list to make sure it does not contain anything offensive or that the country has laws which make it illegal to sell. Since the US has an embargo on selling some things from Cuba (and North Korea, etc.) then eBay USA will flag and reject a listing with any of the offending words.

So there are literally hundreds of Cuban stamps listed on eBay but under different names like 'Caribbean islands'. Makes searching/finding them a bit tricky but they are there if you are willing to hunt them down.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Although I've never sold anything on Delcampe.net, an eBay-like company whose head office is in Soignies , Belgium, I have bought many covers and stamps there, including Cuban items. The web site draws more European than North American sellers, and naturally has a larger proportion of European than North American collectibles. The only drawbacks I have encountered is that sellers sometimes don't speak English (that's never resulted in a failed purchase), and that some of them use Skrill rather than PayPal or North American-based credit cards, which has caused problems for me.


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
14 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Just for the heck of it I checked Delcampe and looked up one of the countries I collect - Russia. They had over 500,000 Russian stamps. I got the hell out of there until I have a bit more time to look around. It sounds like I can find almost anything there, I wonder what the prices are like. I must check it out later!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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14 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Delcampe's sellers' prices seem to be in line with eBay (or eBay's prices are in line with Delcampe), and shipping prices are usually reasonable as well. What I like most about it the ability to find stamps and covers that aren't always easy to find on eBay.

I don't pay a lot of attention to prices. Of course, I'm not made of money nor did I marry a wealthy wife, so I'm not going pay X dollars when I know that I can easily find the same thing for Y dollars elsewhere, or at another time. But as any postal history collector knows, the best covers are one-of-a-kind, and price is a consideration only if you simply can't afford it.

I once paid about $300 for a cover from a ship that had been torpedoed north of Ireland in 1940. A friend who has spent his entire working life collecting, buying, and selling stamps and covers and preparing them for auction, advised against buying it, saying I could easily find another if I waited. I ignored his advice, and I'm glad I did, for I've only seen four or five others similar covers since then, all for big bucks. And I got a lot of bang for my bucks: researching it was the equivalent of a university course that might be titled "Battle of the Atlantic 101," and gave me the knowledge to present the cover's back story to a meeting of a British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) study group and write an article about it for my stamp club's newsletter.


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...

15 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

You can buy and sell stamps from Cuba on HipStamp and Stamporama! There is a member here who sells Cuban new issues.

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APS #213005
16 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

Just went on Ebay and typed in "Cuba stamps"

and got a long list of Cuba stamps and covers for sale......


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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
17 Jan 2020

re: Not sure if it is possible to sell my Cuba stamps on eBay?

There are other ways to dodge the algorithm such as adding a number to the word Cuba ( i.e. Cuba6 or 2Cuba). eBay probably only needs to prove they are doing 'do diligence' to satisfy he Feds that they are following the laws; having the filter algorithm in place is enough to cover themselves.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"


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