The Spink/Maury catalog lists it as the Guynemer precursor, issued in 1920. Guynemer is the face depicted on the stamp. It was a precursor to air mail, and used like a "par avion" sticker for mail intended to be carried on an airplane.
Many thanks to both responders! Without such input from you and other collectors on SOR, I'd still be going around in circles on a number of philatelic mysteries I stumble upon in my world of collecting stamps.
I have three covers with the label. One is clearly philatelic as it is addressed to the cover-maker AC Roessler. The second, addressed to Indochina, uses it as its only stamp, and got slapped with postage due on arrival. The third was sent to Paris from French Morocco, using the label with Moroccan Protectorate stamps.
As per Yvert & Teller catalogue, this label was issued in sheets of 75 copies, used between 1920 & 1923, used on letters shipped mainly by airplane on flights :
Toulouse(France)to Rabat(Morocco)/Paris(France) to Brussels(Belgium)/Paris-Strasbourg (France) to Pragues(Czech)
The same label was overprinted : Duc Meeting on the October 10, 1920 for two special flights
France to London and France to Brussels
I am not able to catalogue identify this "stamp."
Any history on it's origin will be greatly appreciated.
re: France: Postage Stamp or Label?
The Spink/Maury catalog lists it as the Guynemer precursor, issued in 1920. Guynemer is the face depicted on the stamp. It was a precursor to air mail, and used like a "par avion" sticker for mail intended to be carried on an airplane.
re: France: Postage Stamp or Label?
Many thanks to both responders! Without such input from you and other collectors on SOR, I'd still be going around in circles on a number of philatelic mysteries I stumble upon in my world of collecting stamps.
re: France: Postage Stamp or Label?
I have three covers with the label. One is clearly philatelic as it is addressed to the cover-maker AC Roessler. The second, addressed to Indochina, uses it as its only stamp, and got slapped with postage due on arrival. The third was sent to Paris from French Morocco, using the label with Moroccan Protectorate stamps.
re: France: Postage Stamp or Label?
As per Yvert & Teller catalogue, this label was issued in sheets of 75 copies, used between 1920 & 1923, used on letters shipped mainly by airplane on flights :
Toulouse(France)to Rabat(Morocco)/Paris(France) to Brussels(Belgium)/Paris-Strasbourg (France) to Pragues(Czech)
The same label was overprinted : Duc Meeting on the October 10, 1920 for two special flights
France to London and France to Brussels