A very small school from Inner Mogolia.
Thank you! A number of the covers come from Xi'an, which has quite a number of universities. I will mention that in the write up for the lot.
This came in to the Quad City Stamp Club as a donation for our annual Stamp Out Cancer auction. Along with 62 covers from PRC to a Language Professor here in the United States.The covers are from students and faculty at various schools and I am wondering if this is one of the schools she got mail from. Any help would be appreciated. The folder also included 46 MNH PRC stamps with a CV of about $28.00
re: Which School - Need Translatio
A very small school from Inner Mogolia.
re: Which School - Need Translatio
Thank you! A number of the covers come from Xi'an, which has quite a number of universities. I will mention that in the write up for the lot.