The label is in Ukrainian - note the letter "I" which isn't used in Russian.
The text appears to be something like:
The blessed Kir Joseph in Canada
Ukrainian Kievan-Galician Patriarchate
A Patriarch is the Eastern Orthodox equivalent of a Catholic Pope; Patriarchs exist among the various ethnic Orthodox groups (Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Serbian, etc.).
Thank you both for that information. Ukraine had gone through my mind, some of the characters the same as on some Ukraine stamps I had sorted recently.
I'll tuck it away in my book of 'stamp-like' things with a little note.
Ukraine has a (broadly speaking) Catholic West and Orthodox East.
If the prediction of future trouble in The Clash of Civilizations comes true, your label might become explanatory.
/s/ ikeyPikey
I don't think this is a postage stamp but it was in some kiloware.
Would appreciate help with identification or translation of the text. Best I can come up with is something referencing 1968, perhaps the Eastern Orthodox Church. Just my best guess, could be way off.
re: From my "unknowns"
The label is in Ukrainian - note the letter "I" which isn't used in Russian.
The text appears to be something like:
The blessed Kir Joseph in Canada
Ukrainian Kievan-Galician Patriarchate
re: From my "unknowns"
A Patriarch is the Eastern Orthodox equivalent of a Catholic Pope; Patriarchs exist among the various ethnic Orthodox groups (Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Serbian, etc.).
re: From my "unknowns"
Thank you both for that information. Ukraine had gone through my mind, some of the characters the same as on some Ukraine stamps I had sorted recently.
I'll tuck it away in my book of 'stamp-like' things with a little note.
re: From my "unknowns"
Ukraine has a (broadly speaking) Catholic West and Orthodox East.
If the prediction of future trouble in The Clash of Civilizations comes true, your label might become explanatory.
/s/ ikeyPikey