heres the number 2
WOW! Those are fantastic covers Phil. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers, Dave.
Interesting. When I served in the military, mail was free and no stamps went on the cover.
Not me, i had to pay 4 cents to mail a letter !
Did you get a salary in the military and how much was it approximately?
I served in a Eastern block country. Salary was close to nothing (about $30/month by memory) ; you get fed and you have a place to sleep and that's about it.
Cougar, i started at 88 dollars a month...4 years later i was up to $144.00 a month but i was stationed in Puglia Southern Italy and i hd more money than i needed...a coke or a beer or a cheap brandy was 100 lira(16 cents). My wifes brothers in the Netherlands with the exception of two religious and one merchant marine had to serve like yourself and did not even earn enough to roll their own cigarettes.
I recently received an update about my standing with American social security (which I don't receive, having emigrated to Canada in 1969). I only had low-paying, part-time jobs before I joined the U.S. Navy. In 1966, my last year in the Navy, I earned just shy of $3,000, at my E4 pay grade. That's darn near enough money to pay for, say, five months' worth of groceries today! Yippee! But I did get free room and board and probably close to half a million dollars' worth (in today's dollars) of medical care. While I was in hospital in San Diego after being wounded in Vietnam, I didn't have to use stamps on my letters because I was still in a combat zone as far as the Navy was concerned.
Phil and Bob (and Jules).
This is such a cliche that I am almost embarrassed. But I thank you for your service and bravery facing actual bullets and harm in defence of our liberty.
And thank you for your fight to give us that liberty that provides an opportunity to argue about silly rules/laws around meaningless things like charging $10.50 to send a 5c stamp from a collector in the USA to another collector in Canada.
I don't care what country you served...BUT YOU SERVED! And you faced dangers that many of us could not imagine. So let's always remember that Canadians and Americans (others as well, to be inclusive) are kindred. So maybe we could throw away the recently heightened jingoistic rhetoric and self righteous "I am the only ethical person on earth" shite?
Because I'm thinking about my father who turned 94 last week. I never liked, or fully appreciated the guy, but I'm thinking more about his life: injured in a crash returning from a mission in a country more than 6,700 KMs from his home town, and still raging against overbearing laws that limit his freedom and refusing to accept "because we say so - or because you blindly think we say so" as an answer.
Peace out, DP.
i am kinda locked in so i will show a couple of Swiss military i do not remember buying..perhaps i stole them !
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
heres the number 2
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
WOW! Those are fantastic covers Phil. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers, Dave.
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
Interesting. When I served in the military, mail was free and no stamps went on the cover.
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
Not me, i had to pay 4 cents to mail a letter !
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
Did you get a salary in the military and how much was it approximately?
I served in a Eastern block country. Salary was close to nothing (about $30/month by memory) ; you get fed and you have a place to sleep and that's about it.
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
Cougar, i started at 88 dollars a month...4 years later i was up to $144.00 a month but i was stationed in Puglia Southern Italy and i hd more money than i needed...a coke or a beer or a cheap brandy was 100 lira(16 cents). My wifes brothers in the Netherlands with the exception of two religious and one merchant marine had to serve like yourself and did not even earn enough to roll their own cigarettes.
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
I recently received an update about my standing with American social security (which I don't receive, having emigrated to Canada in 1969). I only had low-paying, part-time jobs before I joined the U.S. Navy. In 1966, my last year in the Navy, I earned just shy of $3,000, at my E4 pay grade. That's darn near enough money to pay for, say, five months' worth of groceries today! Yippee! But I did get free room and board and probably close to half a million dollars' worth (in today's dollars) of medical care. While I was in hospital in San Diego after being wounded in Vietnam, I didn't have to use stamps on my letters because I was still in a combat zone as far as the Navy was concerned.
re: i am a prisoner in the stamp room(kitchen renovation) where did i get these from ??
Phil and Bob (and Jules).
This is such a cliche that I am almost embarrassed. But I thank you for your service and bravery facing actual bullets and harm in defence of our liberty.
And thank you for your fight to give us that liberty that provides an opportunity to argue about silly rules/laws around meaningless things like charging $10.50 to send a 5c stamp from a collector in the USA to another collector in Canada.
I don't care what country you served...BUT YOU SERVED! And you faced dangers that many of us could not imagine. So let's always remember that Canadians and Americans (others as well, to be inclusive) are kindred. So maybe we could throw away the recently heightened jingoistic rhetoric and self righteous "I am the only ethical person on earth" shite?
Because I'm thinking about my father who turned 94 last week. I never liked, or fully appreciated the guy, but I'm thinking more about his life: injured in a crash returning from a mission in a country more than 6,700 KMs from his home town, and still raging against overbearing laws that limit his freedom and refusing to accept "because we say so - or because you blindly think we say so" as an answer.
Peace out, DP.