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Oceania/Other : NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question


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08 Oct 2019
I have long been puzzled by the perforations of this stamp. I understand that the horizontal perforations are different on the left and right sides of the stamp. However, my stamp doesn't seem to match what Scott and my old 2005 SG catalogs identify in their notes as the perforation possibilities for the horizontal perforations. They indicate part of the horizontal perforations should be 14, but I am not measuring 14 on any part of this copy of the stamp. My measurements of this stamp are as follows.

Top and bottom left half: either 13 or 12½ (not exactly either; maybe 12¾?)
Top and bottom right half: 13½
Sides: 13½

I've done some searching online this morning, but found nothing. Does anyone here have information that might help explain why my stamp's perforations don't seem to match the options presented in my catalogs? Thanks!

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't

08 Oct 2019
re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

Hi Tom,
I am not a NZ expert at all, but here is your stamp with the right hand perfs digitally compared to the left hand and the top perfs digitally compared to the bottom perfs.

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Here is an image that highlights the alignment of the top/bottom perfs.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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09 Oct 2019
re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

51 - SO what's your point??

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Collecting King George VI from all countries, and King Edward VII and King George V from the West Indies.

09 Oct 2019
re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue lists three perforation options for this stamp - assuming it is SG 584 with multiple NZ Star watermark;

SG 584 - Perf 13-14 x 13.5, SG 584b - Perf 12.5, and SG 584c 14 x 13.5 (Commonwealth lists this as 13.75 x 13.5).

The top measurement is the one that will help you determine which stamp you are viewing.
Make sure you use something to measure the perforations like the Gibbons Instanta Gauge which has a continuum of lines rather than a gauge with dots which tend to give unreliable results. If you don't have an Instanta Gauge just measure a 2cm space and count the perf tips.

One thing you should note is that SG 584 measures 13 on one side of the top and 14 on the other side. It can be a little confusing.

Shown below are the three examples from my collection with my bad handwriting identifying them.

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"Learn more about King George VI stamps at www.KGVIStamps.com"



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08 Oct 2019

I have long been puzzled by the perforations of this stamp. I understand that the horizontal perforations are different on the left and right sides of the stamp. However, my stamp doesn't seem to match what Scott and my old 2005 SG catalogs identify in their notes as the perforation possibilities for the horizontal perforations. They indicate part of the horizontal perforations should be 14, but I am not measuring 14 on any part of this copy of the stamp. My measurements of this stamp are as follows.

Top and bottom left half: either 13 or 12½ (not exactly either; maybe 12¾?)
Top and bottom right half: 13½
Sides: 13½

I've done some searching online this morning, but found nothing. Does anyone here have information that might help explain why my stamp's perforations don't seem to match the options presented in my catalogs? Thanks!

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
08 Oct 2019

re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

Hi Tom,
I am not a NZ expert at all, but here is your stamp with the right hand perfs digitally compared to the left hand and the top perfs digitally compared to the bottom perfs.

Image Not Found

Here is an image that highlights the alignment of the top/bottom perfs.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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09 Oct 2019

re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

51 - SO what's your point??

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Collecting King George VI from all countries, and King Edward VII and King George V from the West Indies.
09 Oct 2019

re: NEW ZEALAND Scott #210 (SG 584) 1936 Marlin performations question

The Stanley Gibbons catalogue lists three perforation options for this stamp - assuming it is SG 584 with multiple NZ Star watermark;

SG 584 - Perf 13-14 x 13.5, SG 584b - Perf 12.5, and SG 584c 14 x 13.5 (Commonwealth lists this as 13.75 x 13.5).

The top measurement is the one that will help you determine which stamp you are viewing.
Make sure you use something to measure the perforations like the Gibbons Instanta Gauge which has a continuum of lines rather than a gauge with dots which tend to give unreliable results. If you don't have an Instanta Gauge just measure a 2cm space and count the perf tips.

One thing you should note is that SG 584 measures 13 on one side of the top and 14 on the other side. It can be a little confusing.

Shown below are the three examples from my collection with my bad handwriting identifying them.

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"Learn more about King George VI stamps at www.KGVIStamps.com"


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