A search on Ebay suggests it is Scott 610.
Thank you
Depends on the perforation. There are three possibilities: 610, 612, or 613.
Catalog value for 610 (perf 11) is less than $1
Catalog value for 612 (perf 10) is about $15 (although your centering is poor)
Catalog value for 613 (perf 11) is about $40,000
The image looks flat plate, so it's probably 610, but it doesn't hurt to measure the height of the rectangle at the outer border of the stamp. If it's clearly more than 22.5 mm then you've got a winner! If the perfs are 10, it's 612 ($15). If the perfs are 11, it's 613 ($40,000), but if the height is LESS THAN 22.5 mm, it's 610 and worth little more than postage based on the centering.
I wanting to know the Scott # for this stamp
re: Help with Identification US Stamp
A search on Ebay suggests it is Scott 610.
re: Help with Identification US Stamp
Thank you
re: Help with Identification US Stamp
Depends on the perforation. There are three possibilities: 610, 612, or 613.
Catalog value for 610 (perf 11) is less than $1
Catalog value for 612 (perf 10) is about $15 (although your centering is poor)
Catalog value for 613 (perf 11) is about $40,000
The image looks flat plate, so it's probably 610, but it doesn't hurt to measure the height of the rectangle at the outer border of the stamp. If it's clearly more than 22.5 mm then you've got a winner! If the perfs are 10, it's 612 ($15). If the perfs are 11, it's 613 ($40,000), but if the height is LESS THAN 22.5 mm, it's 610 and worth little more than postage based on the centering.