Another lot Any information about the stamps most helpful
Once again just like above any information most helpful I'm completely stuck on them
Hi Pooh,
You do not need an expensive catalog but you do need to do some preliminary work. This will help us help you but more importantly it will help you learn how to ID the Washington/franklin stamps yourself.
The first step is to begin by determining the perforations for each stamp. A metal or plastic commercial perforation gauge is best but if you do not have one you can download and use a paper one. Here is a link to a free paper perforation gauge.
Once you have gauged the perforations, please post your findings for each stamp and we can go from there.
The "New York", and "Chicago" cancels are know as pre-cancels.
Here is a link about those:
I put together a summary of Washington / Franklins (Third Bureau):
This shows how many different catalog numbers they could be and why checking perf gauge first is the best bet.
IThe 50 cent one is 11 perforated all around but I'm stuck finding the Chicago perforations I have tried but I'm stuck as with the gauge it dosen't look like it is 11 or 10 I'M STUCK
Here is the first lot of stamps Any information would be most helpful I have got no Scotts so please don't ask me to look it up. Can someone please tell me the perforations and information about the Postmark Thankyou This is the first lot
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
Another lot Any information about the stamps most helpful
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
Once again just like above any information most helpful I'm completely stuck on them
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
Hi Pooh,
You do not need an expensive catalog but you do need to do some preliminary work. This will help us help you but more importantly it will help you learn how to ID the Washington/franklin stamps yourself.
The first step is to begin by determining the perforations for each stamp. A metal or plastic commercial perforation gauge is best but if you do not have one you can download and use a paper one. Here is a link to a free paper perforation gauge.
Once you have gauged the perforations, please post your findings for each stamp and we can go from there.
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
The "New York", and "Chicago" cancels are know as pre-cancels.
Here is a link about those:
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
I put together a summary of Washington / Franklins (Third Bureau):
This shows how many different catalog numbers they could be and why checking perf gauge first is the best bet.
re: Washington and Franklin stamps
IThe 50 cent one is 11 perforated all around but I'm stuck finding the Chicago perforations I have tried but I'm stuck as with the gauge it dosen't look like it is 11 or 10 I'M STUCK