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General Philatelic/Identify This? : Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??



12 Aug 2019
I have watched with some dismay over the years many Hitler head overprints pop up on eBay.

The guy selling this as a postwar overprint and others seems like a decent guy. He mentions he bought these overprints from a dealer in Northern California who told him they were genuine. Has anyone seen these overprint in Michel catalogs?

I think the stamp is genuine but the skull overprint is not, It looks like a skull on Hitler heads a UK eBay dealer sells from time to time: he claims his are Nazi inspired overprints. Earlier, the skull overprint was sold by a couple Greek eBayers.

Image Not Found

Note also the local overprint Wir Sind Frei that was legitimately overprinted on Czech stamps before the regular issuance of Bohemia and Moravia stamps in 1939. I don't think this overprint, already used for propaganda purposes two years earlier cropped up on these Hitler heads either in 1941 or just after the war.

Do you think these two overprints were done just after the war or are counterfeits?

Does anyone know if the GPS has printed an article on these many counterfeit overprints that have been cropping up on eBay?


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

12 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Check out this link to another set of Hitler stamps with altered faces that are supposedly genuine. https://www.germanstamps.net/tr_falsch_us_skull/ I'm not great at putting in links that work, all you have to do is select it, click on it and go to it!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

12 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Bruce, those overprints are fake. They never existed like this. There are a lot of fake overprints on Hitler Head stamps. Also the GPS does not have a lot about post war overprints. Michel list pretty much all of the overprints. But there are books for postwar overprints available and other post war stamps.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

13 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

If you want to see another article on fake Hitlers stamps google the following: Operation cornflakes. Very interesting stuff and probably of interest to some people.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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13 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

many russian regiments created souvenir sets for families and friends... unofficial, but not fakes. beyond "saxony blacks" 1945.8.5

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14 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Here is my question of the Russian "overprints" you show us:

Why did some of these only appear in the late 1990s, early 2000s when I believe Greek "dealers" began offering them on eBay?

For example the two skull examples you show: Where were these stamps before the 1990s?

I think that what is happening here is that counterfeit stamps are being absorbed into the philatelic system with little or no checking on who produced them.

The skull stamps by the way also appear on sale by an UK eBay dealer who claims they and others he offers were made by the Nazis before the war ended. When pressed, he states they are fantasy items produced well after WWII.


PS: Michel specialized (German version and abbreviated English version) gives us a good selection of overprinted Hitler head local stamps plus a section of privately printed Hitler heads that also appeared in 1945, etc.

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14 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Why did some of these only appear in the late 1990s, early 2000s when I believe Greek "dealers" began offering them on eBay?

Because the fakers want to get your money.

I think that what is happening here is that counterfeit stamps are being absorbed into the philatelic system with little or no checking on who produced them.

That has been going on since the beginning days of the hobby.

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15 Aug 2019
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??



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26 Apr 2020
re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

There are so many FAKES of the Hitler stamp overprints.

In germany they have a good word for this : MACHE
In English a good word for this is, I believe : SHAM

Those stamps were printed by the millions.
After the war they were worth nothing.
And plenty of these sheets of 100 pieces came into the hands of traders.

They began with overprinting those sheets with all kind of prints to earn a couple of bucks with these stamps.

I have warned for this many times on this forum.


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12 Aug 2019

I have watched with some dismay over the years many Hitler head overprints pop up on eBay.

The guy selling this as a postwar overprint and others seems like a decent guy. He mentions he bought these overprints from a dealer in Northern California who told him they were genuine. Has anyone seen these overprint in Michel catalogs?

I think the stamp is genuine but the skull overprint is not, It looks like a skull on Hitler heads a UK eBay dealer sells from time to time: he claims his are Nazi inspired overprints. Earlier, the skull overprint was sold by a couple Greek eBayers.

Image Not Found

Note also the local overprint Wir Sind Frei that was legitimately overprinted on Czech stamps before the regular issuance of Bohemia and Moravia stamps in 1939. I don't think this overprint, already used for propaganda purposes two years earlier cropped up on these Hitler heads either in 1941 or just after the war.

Do you think these two overprints were done just after the war or are counterfeits?

Does anyone know if the GPS has printed an article on these many counterfeit overprints that have been cropping up on eBay?


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
12 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Check out this link to another set of Hitler stamps with altered faces that are supposedly genuine. https://www.germanstamps.net/tr_falsch_us_skull/ I'm not great at putting in links that work, all you have to do is select it, click on it and go to it!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

12 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Bruce, those overprints are fake. They never existed like this. There are a lot of fake overprints on Hitler Head stamps. Also the GPS does not have a lot about post war overprints. Michel list pretty much all of the overprints. But there are books for postwar overprints available and other post war stamps.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
13 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

If you want to see another article on fake Hitlers stamps google the following: Operation cornflakes. Very interesting stuff and probably of interest to some people.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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13 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

many russian regiments created souvenir sets for families and friends... unofficial, but not fakes. beyond "saxony blacks" 1945.8.5

Image Not Found

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machinstudygroup.blo ...

14 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Here is my question of the Russian "overprints" you show us:

Why did some of these only appear in the late 1990s, early 2000s when I believe Greek "dealers" began offering them on eBay?

For example the two skull examples you show: Where were these stamps before the 1990s?

I think that what is happening here is that counterfeit stamps are being absorbed into the philatelic system with little or no checking on who produced them.

The skull stamps by the way also appear on sale by an UK eBay dealer who claims they and others he offers were made by the Nazis before the war ended. When pressed, he states they are fantasy items produced well after WWII.


PS: Michel specialized (German version and abbreviated English version) gives us a good selection of overprinted Hitler head local stamps plus a section of privately printed Hitler heads that also appeared in 1945, etc.

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14 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

Why did some of these only appear in the late 1990s, early 2000s when I believe Greek "dealers" began offering them on eBay?

Because the fakers want to get your money.

I think that what is happening here is that counterfeit stamps are being absorbed into the philatelic system with little or no checking on who produced them.

That has been going on since the beginning days of the hobby.

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15 Aug 2019

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??



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26 Apr 2020

re: Hitler Head Postwar "Overprints"??

There are so many FAKES of the Hitler stamp overprints.

In germany they have a good word for this : MACHE
In English a good word for this is, I believe : SHAM

Those stamps were printed by the millions.
After the war they were worth nothing.
And plenty of these sheets of 100 pieces came into the hands of traders.

They began with overprinting those sheets with all kind of prints to earn a couple of bucks with these stamps.

I have warned for this many times on this forum.


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