My comment may not be of any help, but here it is anyway. I collect Canal Zone, but am by no means an "expert" on these issues. I just received a small lot of CZ stamps from an eBay purchase and included is a #71. Quite honestly, looking at it carefully, it looks more like a double overprint than your scanned copy--letters are thicker in general. However, I have noticed previously that the flat A overprints tend to have this appearance in general. I thus have assumed it is just the way these overprints were crafted and inked that make them look so bolded in appearance.
If a Canal Zone expert is among us, I will also be interested in that person's opinion.
I'm not an expert either but, since I collect US and US BOB, I also collect Canal Zone. I also have #71 and just checked it out very carefully. I can't provide a scan since I'm still procrastinating about setting up my camera. Mine really does appear to have thinner letters that yours. So, maybe your stamp does have a double overprint, or maybe the ink just spread a little bit. I know there are double overprints listed for some US CZ stamps, but not for this one. Most double overprints are very obvious - either separate or staggered a bit, yours might be a "double strike" if that sort of thing happens. Good luck, I just made things worse!
Can't find a listing for it.Sure looks like a double overprint. any help would be appreciated.
re: Canal Zone #71-double overprint.
My comment may not be of any help, but here it is anyway. I collect Canal Zone, but am by no means an "expert" on these issues. I just received a small lot of CZ stamps from an eBay purchase and included is a #71. Quite honestly, looking at it carefully, it looks more like a double overprint than your scanned copy--letters are thicker in general. However, I have noticed previously that the flat A overprints tend to have this appearance in general. I thus have assumed it is just the way these overprints were crafted and inked that make them look so bolded in appearance.
If a Canal Zone expert is among us, I will also be interested in that person's opinion.
re: Canal Zone #71-double overprint.
I'm not an expert either but, since I collect US and US BOB, I also collect Canal Zone. I also have #71 and just checked it out very carefully. I can't provide a scan since I'm still procrastinating about setting up my camera. Mine really does appear to have thinner letters that yours. So, maybe your stamp does have a double overprint, or maybe the ink just spread a little bit. I know there are double overprints listed for some US CZ stamps, but not for this one. Most double overprints are very obvious - either separate or staggered a bit, yours might be a "double strike" if that sort of thing happens. Good luck, I just made things worse!