Coincidentally I have recently received a magnificent 123 page Farley's Follies PDF album. It includes a number of images as well as some very informative text.
I will be uploading the album to my web site later today or tomorrow. The album will be available for download as a ready to print PDF file or AlbumEasy text file for easy customisation.
I will post in this thread once it is available for download - oh, and as always, the album is of course free.
Clive - are you saying that there is a 123 pg album for these stamps? I was thinking all I had to look for was enough to fill 3 pages in my Liberty album! A 123 page album is like starting a brand new collection.
Hi Harvey,
Well if you delete the introductory page and some of the other explanatory text, it is only really about ... 120 pages
The album is now available for download from scroll down to near the bottom of the page, where it can be found in the "Topical, Thematic and Omnibus issues" section, although I really think that it is about time that I did some reorganisation, creating a separate US section and moving it there.
My stamp album has space for the stamps called Farley's follies as well as the vertical and horizontal gutter pairs associated with them. I know this is expensive stuff and very complicated stuff so it is certainly not something I would buy on E-Bay unless they had a certificate from a recognized expert. I've seen several articles on line discussing how to tell real Farley's from the many fakes. I wonder if any of you have a favorite article that you trust to give an idea what to look for. Or maybe just your own explanation in 100 words or less. It's going to take a while but eventually I'd like to fill up those three album pages. I saw a collection of the gutter pairs on E-Bay a few months ago, the price went nuts and there was no written guarantee.
re: The Farleys
Coincidentally I have recently received a magnificent 123 page Farley's Follies PDF album. It includes a number of images as well as some very informative text.
I will be uploading the album to my web site later today or tomorrow. The album will be available for download as a ready to print PDF file or AlbumEasy text file for easy customisation.
I will post in this thread once it is available for download - oh, and as always, the album is of course free.
re: The Farleys
Clive - are you saying that there is a 123 pg album for these stamps? I was thinking all I had to look for was enough to fill 3 pages in my Liberty album! A 123 page album is like starting a brand new collection.
re: The Farleys
Hi Harvey,
Well if you delete the introductory page and some of the other explanatory text, it is only really about ... 120 pages
The album is now available for download from scroll down to near the bottom of the page, where it can be found in the "Topical, Thematic and Omnibus issues" section, although I really think that it is about time that I did some reorganisation, creating a separate US section and moving it there.