Hi Malbul,
You've come to the right place to learn about stuff. Google EFO's(errors,freaks,oddities) to see if your item is described.
Welcome aboard,
Dan C.
Hello Malbul,
Welcome to Stamporama from sunny, hot Fort Worth, Texas.
Hi thanks for the advice I started as a little boy with the flags of all the country's and then I met an old collecter whom introduced me to the the stamps and there my love started for old stamps they tell you tails that history books don't
I found out what 5 cent stamp it is its a 5 cent James Abraham garfield 1882 stamp it's mis printed and the (the place you need to tear it off) is been half way mis lined
I found another stamp but I don't find any information on it also a misprint but one side is like a coil stamp it's a 10 kon reddish brown stamp
I found out that the other one is a 1860 serpentine roulette 2 stamp
I found some old stamps one is a mis print it's a 5c us stamp can't load up foto is it of some value
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
Hi Malbul,
You've come to the right place to learn about stuff. Google EFO's(errors,freaks,oddities) to see if your item is described.
Welcome aboard,
Dan C.
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
Hello Malbul,
Welcome to Stamporama from sunny, hot Fort Worth, Texas.
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
Hi thanks for the advice I started as a little boy with the flags of all the country's and then I met an old collecter whom introduced me to the the stamps and there my love started for old stamps they tell you tails that history books don't
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
I found out what 5 cent stamp it is its a 5 cent James Abraham garfield 1882 stamp it's mis printed and the (the place you need to tear it off) is been half way mis lined
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
I found another stamp but I don't find any information on it also a misprint but one side is like a coil stamp it's a 10 kon reddish brown stamp
re: Hi I am a old collecter but with little knowledge
I found out that the other one is a 1860 serpentine roulette 2 stamp