These are civil war era fantasy / cinderella stamps from Azerbaijan, or at least that is what it says on the stamps. I find contradictory stories about them. Some claim they are genuine stamps that just were not issued officially, others say they are downright fakes, created for the philatelic market.
The famine relief stamps of 1923 are bogus issues and these were subsequently forged as well. Yours are the "originals" and the full set
It seems that this bogus issue was prepared in Udine Italy.
The “forgeries” are thought to have originated in Belgium and Germany.
I have some doubt that these are the only sources as the imperforated issues are very different in detail & color.
re: Are these a genuine issue?
These are civil war era fantasy / cinderella stamps from Azerbaijan, or at least that is what it says on the stamps. I find contradictory stories about them. Some claim they are genuine stamps that just were not issued officially, others say they are downright fakes, created for the philatelic market.
re: Are these a genuine issue?
The famine relief stamps of 1923 are bogus issues and these were subsequently forged as well. Yours are the "originals" and the full set
It seems that this bogus issue was prepared in Udine Italy.
The “forgeries” are thought to have originated in Belgium and Germany.
I have some doubt that these are the only sources as the imperforated issues are very different in detail & color.