Several dealers who buy such material in large bulk advertise in Linns. You could also parcel it out in smaller lots in a classified ad here at the bottom of the Discussion Board. Many collectors buy smaller lots of discounted, older stamps to use for postage. It just depends how quickly you want/need the money.
Dealers in the US purchase these bulk lots for around 50 % of face value, and sell at 85 % to 100 % of face value.
And don't forget that a number of philatelic organizations are always on the look-out for donations of face value postage, including the ASP APS, ATA, et al.
/s/ ikeyPikey
Roy Lingens has sold lots of US face here at substantial discounts (50/75% of face). He typically groups by denominations or time periods. Smaller denominations typcilly sell at the lower end; forever and current rates at the higher end; and hi-value in between
try it here... always include an image
I have a few thousand dollars face value of mnh US material and was hoping someone could recommend a trade buyer?
Best wishes,
re: Discount postage buyer?
Several dealers who buy such material in large bulk advertise in Linns. You could also parcel it out in smaller lots in a classified ad here at the bottom of the Discussion Board. Many collectors buy smaller lots of discounted, older stamps to use for postage. It just depends how quickly you want/need the money.
re: Discount postage buyer?
Dealers in the US purchase these bulk lots for around 50 % of face value, and sell at 85 % to 100 % of face value.
re: Discount postage buyer?
And don't forget that a number of philatelic organizations are always on the look-out for donations of face value postage, including the ASP APS, ATA, et al.
/s/ ikeyPikey
re: Discount postage buyer?
Roy Lingens has sold lots of US face here at substantial discounts (50/75% of face). He typically groups by denominations or time periods. Smaller denominations typcilly sell at the lower end; forever and current rates at the higher end; and hi-value in between
try it here... always include an image