Just a guess from an old fart that's been collecting for a long time. Maybe a NS company at the time picked up a sheet of specimens and did a private perforation with the intention of using the stamps. If they are genuine that's all I can think of, unless a sheet of specimens got mixed in with the real #11's and got perforated. Weirder things have happened!
I am afraid what you have here is a bad forgery furthermore forged with a specimen overprint. I have seen these offered on eBay many times & they are almost always listed as forgeries. You can find them in colors and denominations matching the authentic issues both with and without the overprint.
Acording to Unitrade this form of overprint "Specimen" did not exist
in this half moon shape ... and the perforation is 10... ????
can't came from a régular stamp (perf. 12)
did anny one have ever seen this shape of overprint "specimen"
These are common Senf bros. forgeries
You guys amaze me with the amount of information you carry around! You know so much about the many forgeries that are out there. I'm following another thread as well where people are talking about the NS forgeries and can even say who probably did the work. I've been collecting for a long time but still have so much to learn!!!!
There used to be an article on this site showing examples of Canadian fakes and forgeries. I downloaded it and have it in my files. I'm not sure when or why it was removed but I can send the file to whoever wants it or have it put back on the site. The author is Nelson Laviolette. I'm not sure if there is a copyright issue.
Absolutely a FORGERY.
Hi David, I am interested to receve this article from M. Laviolette
Hi Vince
If you have a chance I would like to get the article as well. Thanks
I can't find a perforated # 11 with "SPECIMEN" like this one, acording to UNITRADE all the specimen are imperforated.
some one can help me...? could it be a forgery ?
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
Just a guess from an old fart that's been collecting for a long time. Maybe a NS company at the time picked up a sheet of specimens and did a private perforation with the intention of using the stamps. If they are genuine that's all I can think of, unless a sheet of specimens got mixed in with the real #11's and got perforated. Weirder things have happened!
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
I am afraid what you have here is a bad forgery furthermore forged with a specimen overprint. I have seen these offered on eBay many times & they are almost always listed as forgeries. You can find them in colors and denominations matching the authentic issues both with and without the overprint.
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
Acording to Unitrade this form of overprint "Specimen" did not exist
in this half moon shape ... and the perforation is 10... ????
can't came from a régular stamp (perf. 12)
did anny one have ever seen this shape of overprint "specimen"
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
These are common Senf bros. forgeries
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
You guys amaze me with the amount of information you carry around! You know so much about the many forgeries that are out there. I'm following another thread as well where people are talking about the NS forgeries and can even say who probably did the work. I've been collecting for a long time but still have so much to learn!!!!
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
There used to be an article on this site showing examples of Canadian fakes and forgeries. I downloaded it and have it in my files. I'm not sure when or why it was removed but I can send the file to whoever wants it or have it put back on the site. The author is Nelson Laviolette. I'm not sure if there is a copyright issue.
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
Absolutely a FORGERY.
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
Hi David, I am interested to receve this article from M. Laviolette
re: Nova Scotia SPECIMEN like # 11 but not on the Unitrade catalog
Hi Vince
If you have a chance I would like to get the article as well. Thanks