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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Box lots?



27 Feb 2019

As many of you know, I am a collector who buys a fair amount on the site. I also buy at auction and ebay. I am getting to the point where I have a fair amount of duplicate material and I would like to get rid of it. I work a fairly demanding job and I really don't have time to list a lot of individual items. I know I could list box lots on ebay or even send some of it back to the auction house, but there are fees and hassle with that, as well as the fact that I don't use ebay a ton so would have limited exposure. My first choice would be to offer it up as box lots here for a couple of reasons-- no fees, a group of pretty reliable buyers, and wanting to offer material to other stamporama members at a bargain (if anyone was interested).

I have looked at auctions here for about 6 months. I see mostly individual stamps/sets. The only thing I have really seen is Soundcrest's $5 lots with $50 SCV. Have people tried box lots or larger mixtures? Do they not sell?

I'm interested in any feedback.

BTW: Boxlots would be some covers (first day, postcards, other commercial), WW stamps--mostly postally used or MH but some CTO, some sets, MNH etc. I was thinking of a small priority box of material. For example, my last two auction purchases included a bunch of classic Asia including Japan, Korea and China, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Indonesia, South America (mostly pre 1980) and French Colonies.

Thanks for any thoughts!


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

27 Feb 2019

re: Box lots?

Hi Jackie,

I hear you.

I do the same.

I take shoe boxes or empty envelope (ream) boxes crammed with envelopes to my local club and always get a good return; sufficient to keep me doing it. These are typically US-only lots.

I sell box lots here, too. The three types I do most often are
$500 CV of non-US stamps, all with CV of $1+
1,000 non-US stamps
50 non-US covers.

i start all at a penny and let the members decide. I will not get rich from the sale, but I move stuff I am unwilling to spend time cataloguing

PM me if you want to see one of my sold listings


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"


27 Feb 2019
re: Box lots?

We have a few people who offer larger lots in the classified ads section of the Discussion Board. That's another area here where you can list such items.

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27 Feb 2019
re: Box lots?

Thanks Michael, I will consider the classifieds. I was also thinking of mixtures of 500-1000 stamps so I will be PMing amsd to take a look a sold listing.


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28 Feb 2019
re: Box lots?

I love a good box lot ! Will keep my eye out in the classifieds.

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27 Feb 2019


As many of you know, I am a collector who buys a fair amount on the site. I also buy at auction and ebay. I am getting to the point where I have a fair amount of duplicate material and I would like to get rid of it. I work a fairly demanding job and I really don't have time to list a lot of individual items. I know I could list box lots on ebay or even send some of it back to the auction house, but there are fees and hassle with that, as well as the fact that I don't use ebay a ton so would have limited exposure. My first choice would be to offer it up as box lots here for a couple of reasons-- no fees, a group of pretty reliable buyers, and wanting to offer material to other stamporama members at a bargain (if anyone was interested).

I have looked at auctions here for about 6 months. I see mostly individual stamps/sets. The only thing I have really seen is Soundcrest's $5 lots with $50 SCV. Have people tried box lots or larger mixtures? Do they not sell?

I'm interested in any feedback.

BTW: Boxlots would be some covers (first day, postcards, other commercial), WW stamps--mostly postally used or MH but some CTO, some sets, MNH etc. I was thinking of a small priority box of material. For example, my last two auction purchases included a bunch of classic Asia including Japan, Korea and China, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Indonesia, South America (mostly pre 1980) and French Colonies.

Thanks for any thoughts!


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
27 Feb 2019


re: Box lots?

Hi Jackie,

I hear you.

I do the same.

I take shoe boxes or empty envelope (ream) boxes crammed with envelopes to my local club and always get a good return; sufficient to keep me doing it. These are typically US-only lots.

I sell box lots here, too. The three types I do most often are
$500 CV of non-US stamps, all with CV of $1+
1,000 non-US stamps
50 non-US covers.

i start all at a penny and let the members decide. I will not get rich from the sale, but I move stuff I am unwilling to spend time cataloguing

PM me if you want to see one of my sold listings


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...

27 Feb 2019

re: Box lots?

We have a few people who offer larger lots in the classified ads section of the Discussion Board. That's another area here where you can list such items.

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27 Feb 2019

re: Box lots?

Thanks Michael, I will consider the classifieds. I was also thinking of mixtures of 500-1000 stamps so I will be PMing amsd to take a look a sold listing.


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28 Feb 2019

re: Box lots?

I love a good box lot ! Will keep my eye out in the classifieds.

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