Digging around a bit, I didn't find this stamp, but I believe it to be a Postal Savings Stamp. If someone else has a better ID on it than me, chime right in!
Yep. I was right. That almost hurt my brain to try to remember that!
I have a clipping from the old twice-a-week Western Stamp Collector about the Chinese Dr.Sun Yat Sen and Martyrs issues and some of the overprints which run into thousands of variants since often the overprintings were done on newspaper presses with local type faces.
During 1943 the Nationalists issued an over printed War Saving Stamp on this Sun Yat Sen issue and other similar issues. The shape and location of the Chinese characters indicate which province they were to be used.
They were called Postal Savings (for) Rebuilding, and supposedly could be saved until the owner went to a bank and exchanged a number of them for a war bond. Unfortunately Chinese war bonds, like Chinese currency and postage stamps became worth less every day. Eventually they were used, or required to be used, to pay a tax imposed on certain purchases, probably mostly luxuries. In wartime China just about anything not daily foodstuffs could be considered a luxury.
So they are counted as revenues and not to be found in Scott's Stamp catalog..
It is not likely they were postally used with a verifiable postal cancellation, even by mistake.
Tried all the provinces, ran it thru OCR identifier, possibly not in Scott?
re: China stamp cannot ID in Scott please help
Digging around a bit, I didn't find this stamp, but I believe it to be a Postal Savings Stamp. If someone else has a better ID on it than me, chime right in!
re: China stamp cannot ID in Scott please help
re: China stamp cannot ID in Scott please help
Yep. I was right. That almost hurt my brain to try to remember that!
re: China stamp cannot ID in Scott please help
I have a clipping from the old twice-a-week Western Stamp Collector about the Chinese Dr.Sun Yat Sen and Martyrs issues and some of the overprints which run into thousands of variants since often the overprintings were done on newspaper presses with local type faces.
During 1943 the Nationalists issued an over printed War Saving Stamp on this Sun Yat Sen issue and other similar issues. The shape and location of the Chinese characters indicate which province they were to be used.
They were called Postal Savings (for) Rebuilding, and supposedly could be saved until the owner went to a bank and exchanged a number of them for a war bond. Unfortunately Chinese war bonds, like Chinese currency and postage stamps became worth less every day. Eventually they were used, or required to be used, to pay a tax imposed on certain purchases, probably mostly luxuries. In wartime China just about anything not daily foodstuffs could be considered a luxury.
So they are counted as revenues and not to be found in Scott's Stamp catalog..
It is not likely they were postally used with a verifiable postal cancellation, even by mistake.