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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : WWII Censorship



01 Jun 2018
I've been combing through the Topics, searching a few keywords, and have come across some extremely fascinating material lurking in the distant past!

I'm reviving a thread from 2011, where Rhinelander said:

"The censor closing strip "Opened by Examiner' is British, not American. 99% of US censor closing labels read "examined by", not "opened by.""

And then, Stampme said:

"I believe this is a triple-censored cover: The violet PASSED BY CENSOR is likely US in origin"


And all that got me thinking about this cover, from my collection:
Image Not Found

I bought it, not thinking that it might be double censored, but because of the PM: November 20, 1941. Too bad it doesn't have a receiver cancellation on it. Sender must have realized that whatever dreams she may have had for a life in America with the good Reverend were dashed on the rocks of War before she could expect a reply by mail...

Interesting how the purple PASSED BY CENSOR mark ties the Censor tape to the cover, on both sides. But, in your opinion, was this cover censored by the Crown in Sydney, and then Passed in the US? Bruce?

If so, it would appear that the cover was not re-opened prior to being marked PASSED BY CENSOR. Is this an early example of a bond of trust between US and the Crown as allies? (I realize that there was already a de facto alliance from the beginnings of Lend-Lease.)

And finally, what is "S.112"? Is there a clue to when and where the item was Passed?


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01 Jun 2018

I've been combing through the Topics, searching a few keywords, and have come across some extremely fascinating material lurking in the distant past!

I'm reviving a thread from 2011, where Rhinelander said:

"The censor closing strip "Opened by Examiner' is British, not American. 99% of US censor closing labels read "examined by", not "opened by.""

And then, Stampme said:

"I believe this is a triple-censored cover: The violet PASSED BY CENSOR is likely US in origin"


And all that got me thinking about this cover, from my collection:
Image Not Found

I bought it, not thinking that it might be double censored, but because of the PM: November 20, 1941. Too bad it doesn't have a receiver cancellation on it. Sender must have realized that whatever dreams she may have had for a life in America with the good Reverend were dashed on the rocks of War before she could expect a reply by mail...

Interesting how the purple PASSED BY CENSOR mark ties the Censor tape to the cover, on both sides. But, in your opinion, was this cover censored by the Crown in Sydney, and then Passed in the US? Bruce?

If so, it would appear that the cover was not re-opened prior to being marked PASSED BY CENSOR. Is this an early example of a bond of trust between US and the Crown as allies? (I realize that there was already a de facto alliance from the beginnings of Lend-Lease.)

And finally, what is "S.112"? Is there a clue to when and where the item was Passed?


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