A great find, and a nice cover to.
Nice cover. I like to search trash cans my self, dumpster diving they call it. I am not familiar with your error/freak. I do know there is a color error of the presidents heads called Toledo brown and I believe it is on coils from rolls of plate number 7.
Back when these were printed, the printing plate was inked with each particular color and the plate was not fully wiped before application of next color. If anybody knows better, please correct me.
That is what I think it is.
John and Angore, I agree that it was created by sloppy printing methods allowing the red ink to go where it should be black. Quality control should have spotted it and held it back as printer's waste, but it did not, and it was sold to the public, bought at a post office, and mailed on a man's insurance payment from Bakersfield, California to Des Moines, Iowa.
Opa and Vince, thanks for the good words. When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years. When I get a few "likes," it encourages me to share something else with all of you. Vince, although I have seen outside dumpsters full to the top with covers like this one, I found this cover in an inside trash bin, the kind with wheels and a flip top lid. I used to work on remittance processing machines, and after working on a problem, I would hang around while they ran the machine for fix verification. Some places would let me look through their thousands of envelopes for stamps. That is how I found this cover.
If you search on eBay/stamps for Toledo Brown, you will see that this stamp is not like that Scott-listed error at all.
"When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years"
"When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years. When I get a few "likes," it encourages me to share something else with all of you. "
Thanks for the encouragement. I have never shown this cover to anyone before. Now, I guess anybody with an internet connection can see it.
In addition, I have also found this off paper stamp that has red ink on the blue field of the flag. Look at the far right column of stars, on red background, in the scan below. I would encourage everyone to check their copies of the 29 cent Mount Rushmore coil. Maybe you too will find some kind of printing freak.
From the depths of my stamp collection, I bring to light a cover I found in the trash can at an insurance company where I was taking a service call back in 1991. The stamp is the common USA Mount Rushmore 29 cent coil with a printing freak. The 29 is red instead of black. Under 10X magnification, you can also see that red ink is around the 29 in the lower left corner background area. Red ink got loose in the printing process causing this freak stamp. I have blurred out the return address name and policy number on the cover scan. I have also scanned a normal stamp on top of my freak. This is an example of the kind of treasure other collectors try to find while looking through bulk kiloware lots. I just happened to find "a needle in a haystack." I know some of you will think that this is just a color changeling, some chemical was put on the stamp, etc. But I have had this cover in my possession since 1991 and it looks today just like it did the day I pulled it out of the trash can. The 29 was printed in red ink, believe it or not.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
A great find, and a nice cover to.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
Nice cover. I like to search trash cans my self, dumpster diving they call it. I am not familiar with your error/freak. I do know there is a color error of the presidents heads called Toledo brown and I believe it is on coils from rolls of plate number 7.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
Back when these were printed, the printing plate was inked with each particular color and the plate was not fully wiped before application of next color. If anybody knows better, please correct me.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
That is what I think it is.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
John and Angore, I agree that it was created by sloppy printing methods allowing the red ink to go where it should be black. Quality control should have spotted it and held it back as printer's waste, but it did not, and it was sold to the public, bought at a post office, and mailed on a man's insurance payment from Bakersfield, California to Des Moines, Iowa.
Opa and Vince, thanks for the good words. When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years. When I get a few "likes," it encourages me to share something else with all of you. Vince, although I have seen outside dumpsters full to the top with covers like this one, I found this cover in an inside trash bin, the kind with wheels and a flip top lid. I used to work on remittance processing machines, and after working on a problem, I would hang around while they ran the machine for fix verification. Some places would let me look through their thousands of envelopes for stamps. That is how I found this cover.
If you search on eBay/stamps for Toledo Brown, you will see that this stamp is not like that Scott-listed error at all.
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
"When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years"
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
"When I dig out items from my collection like this, I am not trying to boast or show off. I can show stuff to my wife or grown children and watch them yawn. Only you guys, my Stamporama family, can appreciate seeing this stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years. When I get a few "likes," it encourages me to share something else with all of you. "
re: Mount Rushmore Red 29 Freak
Thanks for the encouragement. I have never shown this cover to anyone before. Now, I guess anybody with an internet connection can see it.
In addition, I have also found this off paper stamp that has red ink on the blue field of the flag. Look at the far right column of stars, on red background, in the scan below. I would encourage everyone to check their copies of the 29 cent Mount Rushmore coil. Maybe you too will find some kind of printing freak.