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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)


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01 Nov 2017
Just checking on my purchase history and this came up.

"Estimated delivery Wed, Nov 01 - Wed, Nov 08
We had to remove this listing from the site and you're not required to complete the transaction. If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about delivery, please check tracking or contact your seller. If you run into any trouble along the way eBay is here to help. Please visit the Resolution Centre to help resolve any problems you may encounter.
This user is no longer registered on eBay."

Anybody else had this?
Do I wait until Nov. 8 and then contact seller or just file a dispute with PayPal and Ebay?
Suggestions anyone.

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01 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had that message crop up on eBay when I won a Third Reich lot that contained some postcards that pictured Hitler or Third Reich imagery. It did not contain the part of the user no longer registered though.

I had already made payment prior to the message's appearance. It was fairly confusing to the seller who alternately went off on eBay and then me via eBay email--I'm not sure why since I already had paid the guy and just wanted to make sure he was mailing me the items.
Some of his aggravation with me might have centered around an inability for me to even see what had been removed so I had to communicate with him without item number. Not sure.

My cards did arrive although, they arrived after I received a refund from Paypal since aforementioned cards did not arrive within 30 days. I reached out to the seller and explained why and indicated I would pay him again should the cards arrive which I did.

He did nothing but insult me even AFTER I paid him again.

In my longwinded, roundabout fashion: Good luck! Err on the side of caution.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

01 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Some people just cannot take a joke.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

12,8 cm Kanone 43 L/55 in blueprints only

01 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had the same issue about 2 months ago. I waited the 7 seven days or whatever it was then filed with ebay. They then had me send an email to the missing vendor and wait 48 hours. Then ebay completed the review and gave me a refund. It seemed to me the thing was a scam from the start and ebay canned the guy when they realized it, but that is just my surmise YMVM. Hope it works out ok for you.

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"Euros think a 100 miles is a long way, Americans think a 100 yrs is a long time..."
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02 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Wondering what "YMVM" means....a quick Google search revealed that it is the abbreviation for the Mangrove Mountain Airport in New South Wales or it stands for something to do "With a life path 1". Not sure how either relate here....

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02 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Thanks for the comments folks, will wait out the time and see what happens.
Think the abbreviation was probably meant to be ymmv which translates as "your mileage may vary"
As we would say in UK two chances.

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12,8 cm Kanone 43 L/55 in blueprints only

02 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

oops yes my typos never vary alas

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"Euros think a 100 miles is a long way, Americans think a 100 yrs is a long time..."
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02 Nov 2017

Auctions - Approvals
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had the same message on one of my eBay purchases.
From what I can gather the seller had been sending messages through eBay and was trying to get you to reply to them???This was my message from eBay
Our records show that you recently received an email from jessnib through the Ask Seller a Question or Contact eBay Member features.
This email may be fraudulent and an attempt to do one of the following:

- Obtain your eBay password
- Gain access to your eBay account
- Use your eBay account for fraudulent activity
- Set up an outside-of-eBay transaction which may be fraudulent


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02 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Brian, have not had any messages from the seller only the above from ebay on my purchases screen. I'd actually gone to put feedback for a different transaction with another seller.
Guess I'll find out next week if the item arrives.

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In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

02 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Anything that the ebay bot finds that looks vaguely like an address, a phone number, an email address, or any other attempt to perhaps make contact outside of Ebay is resulting in these messages and 7 day (or longer) suspensions for the buyer or seller (usually the seller - who may well be totally innocent).

If you regularly buy or sell on Ebay you might want to subscribe to Ina Steiner's newsletter (it comes out several times a week). They are making all kinds of changes without notifying sellers (the latest being putting a "best offer" toggle on auctions..... why would anyone accept a "best offer" on an open auction???

It's a crazy world out there -

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03 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

From what I remember I had a similar case only once. A fellow from Australia was mailing me Namibian stamps and he mailed them on A4 size pages. Stamps did not arrive for some 45 days. When I asked him if they were mailed he simply refunded my money. Three days later they were in my mailbox. So I Paypaled the money back to him. It's unfortunate when these things happen, but it is satisfying to do what is right.

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Tom in Exton, PA

04 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I once was interested in a USA Number One on a nice cover. It didn't make reserve. A few weeks later I saw the same cover back for sale, this time it didn't have a reserve so I bid.

I got the email from eBay that the auction was cancelled and the seller was no longer on eBay. When I looked, I realized it wasn't the same person. It was some scammer who had pilfered the image. Ya never know!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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Tom in Exton, PA

05 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I just received a disappointing eBay purchase. I bought a complete set of Famous Americans plate blocks, all on Minkus album pages with all the items in mounts. And I won it at a good price.

I receive this in the mail yesterday and at first it looked great. Then I realized that the original owner improvised on some mounts. All of them except one has a black back ground. The one with the clear plastic appears to be made from a report cover cut to size as three sides were open. The owner taped the top and bottom with old time Scotch tape. Of course there is tape bleed at the top and bottom of the plate block.

The remaining pages are all old split back mounts. They are all stuck fast to the pages, so the owner used a lot of moisture. Enough to have several of the plate blocks stuck to the mount back.

The remaining ones that I can get a tong behind don't appear to be stuck to the page, but the mounts are very tight, as if they've shrunk. They have the two sides fixed, with the top and bottom open. I can grab the blocks with tongs, but cannot move them.

So it will be a delicate operation to cut the front of the mounts down the center to free the blocks. Some of them have perf splits, that appear to be from being in the mount tight.

The description is that they are all MNH. Then I notice the seller says "see scan,
hingless mounted, some mounts opened to check". How can he say they are all MNH if he hadn't had them out of the mounts? Sounds like he knew he had a problem with that album!

I have sent my concern back through the eBay message system. Let's see where it goes.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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08 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Nothing received by today so sent message to seller through Ebay resolution centre. This was at 7.19pm by 7.40 they had authorised PayPal to refund purchase costs. This was despite them saying give the seller 5 days to reply.
Presume this means they knew there was a problem with the seller.
Would still rather have had the stamps.

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Tom in Exton, PA

09 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Interesting conclusion to my Famous Americans.
A seller of few words replies "return for full refund". I return, paying $4 postage and get a refund of what I paid. I'm out $4 for seller who sends me damaged goods.

So I take a look at his other auctions and find other lots from the same album sold as "pages from different albums w mint used stamps a few may be stuck down" exactly as pasted. No sentences or punctuation. I find another Famous Americans lot, on the same album pages. Only the first set is missing the 10 cent value plate block. The rest of the pages all have the taped top and bottom of mounts and when I zoom in I can see the tape bleed onto the plate blocks. No mention of tape damage, just the disclaimer "a few may be stuck down".

Which tells me this guy knew his stamps were damaged. He sent them out hoping people wouldn't notice. Has 5 neutrals / negatives with same issues mentioned.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

09 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

" ... No sentences or punctuation ..."

With the demise of cursive and handheld texting machines, sentence structure, syntax, appropriate tenses and punctuation have been put to sleep. We have returned to the ancient habit of inserting a "dot" for most vowel sounds, and ignoring skipping a space between words.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Collector, Moderator

10 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

It is evolving into a new language in similar ways as many languages changed over time.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

10 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Whenever I see a discussion on the deterioration of the English language I think back to an email from my husbands father discussing the proper use of the gerund. This is the kind of thing a high school education used to teach.....if you want some fun find a 19th century 8th grade text and try to pass a test ,,,,,

"I keep seeing sentences using the objective case before a gerund. It sounds clumsy and illiterate to me. I decided to confirm my dislike and what happened? See the b------t below.

Kenneth G. Wilson (1923–). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993.


This construction, in which a noun or pronoun modifies a gerund (I don’t like his driving so fast, rather than I don’t like him driving so fast, or They felt that Mary’s coming in late was bad, rather than They felt that Mary coming in late was bad) was long required in English classes. But for some time now either the genitive (possessive) or the objective case has also been Standard before gerunds, although Formal writing may use a bit more genitive with pronouns than it does with nouns. Native speakers can now trust thei
r ears.

Now that is ridiculous. When you write "I don't like him driving so fast" you're saying that you don't like HIM when he is driving fast. That's not the point; the point is that you dislike his DRIVING, not HIM.

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10 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Maybe we should have left the English grammar to the First Nations to decide. Supposedly its their land, so they must have a say in the matter. Surprised the first settlers didn't try to integrate and embrace multiculturalism.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

12 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

" ... It is evolving into a new language in similar ways as many languages changed over time. ..."

True in so far as it goes, but betrays an underlining assumption. Unlike many other languages that have a fixed set of rules, rules that are often enforced by official language organizations, (L'Académie Français for instance.) that while having no legal authority, do their best to promote the less that 100,000 "official" words that are possessively garded by some linguistic governing body.
English, on the other hand is governed by a set of loosely followed conventions that are generally agreed to be acceptable, customs that are almost dwarfed by exceptions employed by it's users.
Neo-logisms are invented almost daily and if they convey an idea or situation better than the previous attempts to do so, they are adopted forthwith and used regardless of whether they violate some arbitrary "rule". Words and phrases from other languages that meet that standard also are brought into English even if, sometimes in doing so, the actual foreign meaning is muddled about somewhat.
English possesses about 500,000 discrete words while French, German, Spanish and I believe, Italian all together fall far short of that number. And that does not include the nearly 500,000 specific technical terms used in certain professions and sciences.
English, with, and despite, its different national dialects, is a living, growing, expanding language that swirls around and absorbs words, and word usages, from the rest of the world's languages.
At times, I am amazed that we are able to communicate with one another.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

17 Nov 2017
re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

My problem with the current ( lazy )use of English and it's evolving is that sometimes the sense of what is said does not accurately convey what is meant. The whole purpose of language is to accurately communicate ( often abstract ) ideas - and textspeak and similar do not always do so - and the "rules" have evolved ( rather than been forced ) to convey often subtle variations in meaning. It isn't always linguistic snobbery.

Which is why intepretation and translation is often difficult. It is easy to translate words for objects, but once you enter the world of emotions, ideas and concepts things become much more complcated.

You can all relate to threads here and elsewhere, where the literal translation of the words in an expression bears absolutely no relation to the sense of the whole. This is partly due to not being able to translate accurately the thought behind the expression, -but sometimes also because the thought processes translating concepts to language are often different in different languages , and in fact emotions and concepts are often different-informed by differences in culture. What an English speaking person infers from "brotherly love" might be understood completely differently by a German or French speaker.

For this reason those of us who have English as a first language should try to be as precise as possible - if we can't understand each other what hope does a non-English native speaker have.

Incidentally my favourite hate is split infinitives. Star Trek has a lot to answer for - "to boldly go" YUK - to go boldly please - although the impact is somewhat weaker.


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01 Nov 2017

Just checking on my purchase history and this came up.

"Estimated delivery Wed, Nov 01 - Wed, Nov 08
We had to remove this listing from the site and you're not required to complete the transaction. If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about delivery, please check tracking or contact your seller. If you run into any trouble along the way eBay is here to help. Please visit the Resolution Centre to help resolve any problems you may encounter.
This user is no longer registered on eBay."

Anybody else had this?
Do I wait until Nov. 8 and then contact seller or just file a dispute with PayPal and Ebay?
Suggestions anyone.

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01 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had that message crop up on eBay when I won a Third Reich lot that contained some postcards that pictured Hitler or Third Reich imagery. It did not contain the part of the user no longer registered though.

I had already made payment prior to the message's appearance. It was fairly confusing to the seller who alternately went off on eBay and then me via eBay email--I'm not sure why since I already had paid the guy and just wanted to make sure he was mailing me the items.
Some of his aggravation with me might have centered around an inability for me to even see what had been removed so I had to communicate with him without item number. Not sure.

My cards did arrive although, they arrived after I received a refund from Paypal since aforementioned cards did not arrive within 30 days. I reached out to the seller and explained why and indicated I would pay him again should the cards arrive which I did.

He did nothing but insult me even AFTER I paid him again.

In my longwinded, roundabout fashion: Good luck! Err on the side of caution.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
01 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Some people just cannot take a joke.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

12,8 cm Kanone 43 L/55 in blueprints only

01 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had the same issue about 2 months ago. I waited the 7 seven days or whatever it was then filed with ebay. They then had me send an email to the missing vendor and wait 48 hours. Then ebay completed the review and gave me a refund. It seemed to me the thing was a scam from the start and ebay canned the guy when they realized it, but that is just my surmise YMVM. Hope it works out ok for you.

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"Euros think a 100 miles is a long way, Americans think a 100 yrs is a long time..."
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02 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Wondering what "YMVM" means....a quick Google search revealed that it is the abbreviation for the Mangrove Mountain Airport in New South Wales or it stands for something to do "With a life path 1". Not sure how either relate here....

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02 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Thanks for the comments folks, will wait out the time and see what happens.
Think the abbreviation was probably meant to be ymmv which translates as "your mileage may vary"
As we would say in UK two chances.

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12,8 cm Kanone 43 L/55 in blueprints only

02 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

oops yes my typos never vary alas

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"Euros think a 100 miles is a long way, Americans think a 100 yrs is a long time..."
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02 Nov 2017

Auctions - Approvals

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I had the same message on one of my eBay purchases.
From what I can gather the seller had been sending messages through eBay and was trying to get you to reply to them???This was my message from eBay
Our records show that you recently received an email from jessnib through the Ask Seller a Question or Contact eBay Member features.
This email may be fraudulent and an attempt to do one of the following:

- Obtain your eBay password
- Gain access to your eBay account
- Use your eBay account for fraudulent activity
- Set up an outside-of-eBay transaction which may be fraudulent


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02 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Brian, have not had any messages from the seller only the above from ebay on my purchases screen. I'd actually gone to put feedback for a different transaction with another seller.
Guess I'll find out next week if the item arrives.

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In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

02 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Anything that the ebay bot finds that looks vaguely like an address, a phone number, an email address, or any other attempt to perhaps make contact outside of Ebay is resulting in these messages and 7 day (or longer) suspensions for the buyer or seller (usually the seller - who may well be totally innocent).

If you regularly buy or sell on Ebay you might want to subscribe to Ina Steiner's newsletter (it comes out several times a week). They are making all kinds of changes without notifying sellers (the latest being putting a "best offer" toggle on auctions..... why would anyone accept a "best offer" on an open auction???

It's a crazy world out there -

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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03 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

From what I remember I had a similar case only once. A fellow from Australia was mailing me Namibian stamps and he mailed them on A4 size pages. Stamps did not arrive for some 45 days. When I asked him if they were mailed he simply refunded my money. Three days later they were in my mailbox. So I Paypaled the money back to him. It's unfortunate when these things happen, but it is satisfying to do what is right.

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Tom in Exton, PA
04 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I once was interested in a USA Number One on a nice cover. It didn't make reserve. A few weeks later I saw the same cover back for sale, this time it didn't have a reserve so I bid.

I got the email from eBay that the auction was cancelled and the seller was no longer on eBay. When I looked, I realized it wasn't the same person. It was some scammer who had pilfered the image. Ya never know!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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Tom in Exton, PA
05 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

I just received a disappointing eBay purchase. I bought a complete set of Famous Americans plate blocks, all on Minkus album pages with all the items in mounts. And I won it at a good price.

I receive this in the mail yesterday and at first it looked great. Then I realized that the original owner improvised on some mounts. All of them except one has a black back ground. The one with the clear plastic appears to be made from a report cover cut to size as three sides were open. The owner taped the top and bottom with old time Scotch tape. Of course there is tape bleed at the top and bottom of the plate block.

The remaining pages are all old split back mounts. They are all stuck fast to the pages, so the owner used a lot of moisture. Enough to have several of the plate blocks stuck to the mount back.

The remaining ones that I can get a tong behind don't appear to be stuck to the page, but the mounts are very tight, as if they've shrunk. They have the two sides fixed, with the top and bottom open. I can grab the blocks with tongs, but cannot move them.

So it will be a delicate operation to cut the front of the mounts down the center to free the blocks. Some of them have perf splits, that appear to be from being in the mount tight.

The description is that they are all MNH. Then I notice the seller says "see scan,
hingless mounted, some mounts opened to check". How can he say they are all MNH if he hadn't had them out of the mounts? Sounds like he knew he had a problem with that album!

I have sent my concern back through the eBay message system. Let's see where it goes.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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08 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Nothing received by today so sent message to seller through Ebay resolution centre. This was at 7.19pm by 7.40 they had authorised PayPal to refund purchase costs. This was despite them saying give the seller 5 days to reply.
Presume this means they knew there was a problem with the seller.
Would still rather have had the stamps.

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Tom in Exton, PA
09 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Interesting conclusion to my Famous Americans.
A seller of few words replies "return for full refund". I return, paying $4 postage and get a refund of what I paid. I'm out $4 for seller who sends me damaged goods.

So I take a look at his other auctions and find other lots from the same album sold as "pages from different albums w mint used stamps a few may be stuck down" exactly as pasted. No sentences or punctuation. I find another Famous Americans lot, on the same album pages. Only the first set is missing the 10 cent value plate block. The rest of the pages all have the taped top and bottom of mounts and when I zoom in I can see the tape bleed onto the plate blocks. No mention of tape damage, just the disclaimer "a few may be stuck down".

Which tells me this guy knew his stamps were damaged. He sent them out hoping people wouldn't notice. Has 5 neutrals / negatives with same issues mentioned.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
09 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

" ... No sentences or punctuation ..."

With the demise of cursive and handheld texting machines, sentence structure, syntax, appropriate tenses and punctuation have been put to sleep. We have returned to the ancient habit of inserting a "dot" for most vowel sounds, and ignoring skipping a space between words.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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Collector, Moderator
10 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

It is evolving into a new language in similar ways as many languages changed over time.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

10 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Whenever I see a discussion on the deterioration of the English language I think back to an email from my husbands father discussing the proper use of the gerund. This is the kind of thing a high school education used to teach.....if you want some fun find a 19th century 8th grade text and try to pass a test ,,,,,

"I keep seeing sentences using the objective case before a gerund. It sounds clumsy and illiterate to me. I decided to confirm my dislike and what happened? See the b------t below.

Kenneth G. Wilson (1923–). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993.


This construction, in which a noun or pronoun modifies a gerund (I don’t like his driving so fast, rather than I don’t like him driving so fast, or They felt that Mary’s coming in late was bad, rather than They felt that Mary coming in late was bad) was long required in English classes. But for some time now either the genitive (possessive) or the objective case has also been Standard before gerunds, although Formal writing may use a bit more genitive with pronouns than it does with nouns. Native speakers can now trust thei
r ears.

Now that is ridiculous. When you write "I don't like him driving so fast" you're saying that you don't like HIM when he is driving fast. That's not the point; the point is that you dislike his DRIVING, not HIM.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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10 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

Maybe we should have left the English grammar to the First Nations to decide. Supposedly its their land, so they must have a say in the matter. Surprised the first settlers didn't try to integrate and embrace multiculturalism.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
12 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

" ... It is evolving into a new language in similar ways as many languages changed over time. ..."

True in so far as it goes, but betrays an underlining assumption. Unlike many other languages that have a fixed set of rules, rules that are often enforced by official language organizations, (L'Académie Français for instance.) that while having no legal authority, do their best to promote the less that 100,000 "official" words that are possessively garded by some linguistic governing body.
English, on the other hand is governed by a set of loosely followed conventions that are generally agreed to be acceptable, customs that are almost dwarfed by exceptions employed by it's users.
Neo-logisms are invented almost daily and if they convey an idea or situation better than the previous attempts to do so, they are adopted forthwith and used regardless of whether they violate some arbitrary "rule". Words and phrases from other languages that meet that standard also are brought into English even if, sometimes in doing so, the actual foreign meaning is muddled about somewhat.
English possesses about 500,000 discrete words while French, German, Spanish and I believe, Italian all together fall far short of that number. And that does not include the nearly 500,000 specific technical terms used in certain professions and sciences.
English, with, and despite, its different national dialects, is a living, growing, expanding language that swirls around and absorbs words, and word usages, from the rest of the world's languages.
At times, I am amazed that we are able to communicate with one another.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

17 Nov 2017

re: Ebay purchase (gone wrong?)

My problem with the current ( lazy )use of English and it's evolving is that sometimes the sense of what is said does not accurately convey what is meant. The whole purpose of language is to accurately communicate ( often abstract ) ideas - and textspeak and similar do not always do so - and the "rules" have evolved ( rather than been forced ) to convey often subtle variations in meaning. It isn't always linguistic snobbery.

Which is why intepretation and translation is often difficult. It is easy to translate words for objects, but once you enter the world of emotions, ideas and concepts things become much more complcated.

You can all relate to threads here and elsewhere, where the literal translation of the words in an expression bears absolutely no relation to the sense of the whole. This is partly due to not being able to translate accurately the thought behind the expression, -but sometimes also because the thought processes translating concepts to language are often different in different languages , and in fact emotions and concepts are often different-informed by differences in culture. What an English speaking person infers from "brotherly love" might be understood completely differently by a German or French speaker.

For this reason those of us who have English as a first language should try to be as precise as possible - if we can't understand each other what hope does a non-English native speaker have.

Incidentally my favourite hate is split infinitives. Star Trek has a lot to answer for - "to boldly go" YUK - to go boldly please - although the impact is somewhat weaker.


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