2017 Scott Catalog values as follows
C13........Mint $190.00 Hinged $275.00 NH... USED $165.00
C14........Mint $375.00 Hinged $400.00 NH... USED $375.00
C15........Mint $575.00 Hinged $975.00 NH... USED $600.00
Hope this helps......Bill
I do have a 1974 Scott Specialized Catalog. Let me know if you want values for that year
Pedroguy, are the posted values in the right category?
C15........Mint $575.00 Hinged $975.00 NH... USED $600.00
Used is worth more than mint hinged?
Dan C.
Yes Dan the C15 is $600.00 Used $575.00 Mint Hinged and $975.00 Mint Never Hinged
Members might have enough old catalogs around to give you enough data points.
Here's a set - Scott 1977:
C13 - $225/125 M/U
C14 - $425/200 M/U
C15 - $650/325 M/U
1972 Scott Specialized (MNH not listed in this catalog):
C13 $125.00 mint / $87.50 used
C14 $200.00 mint / $125.00 used
C15 $325.00 mint / $220.00 used
1990 Scott Specialized (MNH not listed in this catalog):
C13 $250.00 mint / $200.00 used
C14 $700.00 mint / $450.00 used
C15 $1050.00 mint / $600.00 used
2008 Scott Specialized
C13 $250.00 mint / $160.00 used ... MNH $425
C14 $525.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $900
C15 $750.00 mint / $575.00 used ... MNH $1275
2011 Scott Specialized
C13 $210.00 mint / $165.00 used ... MNH $375
C14 $460.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $800
C15 $600.00 mint / $600.00 used ... MNH $1150
2016 Scott Specialized
C13 $180.00 mint / $165.00 used ... MNH $275
C14 $400.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $650
C15 $575.00 mint / $600.00 used ... MNH $975
Here is info from Scott,s 2004;
C13-$240 mint $160 used
C14--$450 Mint $375 used
C15--$700 mint $575 used
2002 Scott valuations:
C13 $360/250 MNH/MH, $160 used
C14 $725/500 MNH/MH, $375 used
C15 $1,150/800 MNH/MH, $575 used
1991 Scott Volume 1 valuations
C13 $250 mint / $200 used
C14 $700 mint / $450 used
C15 1050 mint / $600 used
Here are the valuations from the 2009 edition:
C13: mint 250.00 / used 160.00 / MNH 425.00
C14: mint 525.00 / used 375.00 / MNH 900.00
C15: mint 750.00 / used 575.00 / MNH 1,275.00
In case you are curious:
1945 Specialized:
C13 $12.50 mint / $10.00 used
C14 $27.50 mint / $22.50 used
C15 $35.00 mint / $32.50 used
1959 Specialized:
C13 $37.50 mint / $25.00 used
C14 $62.50 mint / $40.00 used
C15 $90.00 mint / $75.00 used
Here's a table of the data so far. Allowing for the value of the dollar, looks like anyone who picked up the set in the mid-1970s or later has had zero or negative appreciation. MNH C15 might be a little bit ahead.
C13 M C13 U C13 MNH C14 M C14 U C14 MNH C15 M C15 U C15 MNH
1972 125 87.5 200 125 325 220
1977 225 175 425 200 650 325
1990 250 200 700 450 1050 600
1991 250 200 700 450 1050 600
2002 250 160 500 375 800 575
2004 240 160 450 375 700 575
2008 250 160 425 525 375 900 750 575 1275
2009 250 160 425 525 375 900 750 575 1275
2011 210 165 375 460 375 800 600 600 1150
2016 180 165 275 400 375 650 575 600 975
2017 190 165 275 375 400 400 575 600 975
Rats! Messed up the formatting.
Interestingly, from 2008 to 2017, a used set has gone UP in price by $30 (a 2.7% increase), while MH has gone DOWN $385 (a 25% decrease) and MNH has dropped $950 (a whopping 37% decrease)!
By contrast C3 from 2008 to 2016 has held steady at $70 MH and $35 used, although MNH has dropped from $150 to $140.
If memory serves 1988 would be the peak year for these, as well as most stamps. We used the 1988 catalog for quite some time because of what we thought were drastic reductions in the catalog value being out of touch with reality (wishful thinking).
Perhaps someone else can verify that during that brief time period in the mid 80's VFNH Zepps fetched in the $8000 to $10000 range. Didn't last long and quick turnaround was the key to making money on both the up and down sides of that lofty figure.
I find that some stamps (like C13-C15, 630 is similar) that seem to be very prevalent (available from many sellers) but command a premium. You cannot easily find some more less expensive stamps.
Webpaper, Right you are. It would be nice to see the values from a 1987 or 1988 catalog as those should show the highest relevant values. Hopefully someone has one of those cats and will share those values with us.
Thank-you, all for such wonderful information.
The value of being a member of SOR.
David in Ottawa, Canada
I thought I'd throw my two cents worth in. Looking at values in older Scotts require that the inflation factor be considered. I used the inflation calculator to adjust all of the values that were mentioned so far and I think that this may bring everything into perspective. Values from the 80's may really be shocking, By the way, C3 did decrease in value as did any stamps that showed steady prices over the years. Values are in 2017 US dollars.
YEAR C13M C13U 14M C14U C15M C15U
1945 $169.71 $135.85 $373.58 $305.66 $475.46 $441.50
1959 $315.11 $210.07 $525.18 $336.12 $756.26 $630.22
1972 $731.23 $511.86 $1,169.97 $731.23 $1,901.20 $1,286.97
1977 $907.89 $504.38 $1,714.90 $807.01 $2,622.78 $1,311.39
1990 $467.72 $374.18 $1,309.62 $841.90 $1,964.42 $1,122.53
1991 $448.83 $359.07 $1,256.73 $807.90 $1,885.10 $1,077.20
2002 $339.81 $217.48 $679.61 $509.71 $1,087.38 $781.55
2004 $310.67 $207.11 $582.51 $485.42 $906.12 $744.32
2008 $283.93 $181.72 $596.25 $425.90 $851.79 $653.04
2009 $284.94 $182.36 $598.38 $427.42 $854.83 $655.37
2011 $228.28 $179.37 $500.05 $407.65 $652.24 $652.24
2016 $183.39 $168.11 $407.53 $382.06 $611.29 $611.29
2017 $190.00 $165.00 $375.00 $375.00 $575.00 $600.00
2002 $489.32 $985.44 $1,563.11
2008 $482.68 $1,022.15 $1,448.04
2009 $484.40 $1,025.80 $1,453.21
2011 $407.65 $869.65 $1,250.13
2017 $275.00 $400.00 $975.00
That was fun,
I am sure the C13-C15 was a speculator buy meaning it was bought by non-collectors and now the market is correcting itself for this.
I was surprised with the relative lack of movement for the ‘internet years’. Most collectibles saw significant value movement when the internet allowed collectors to easily connect with each other; I would have expected a large drop in catalog values for the period of 2000 to present.
(based upon copy5555 inflation adjusted values)
"I am sure the C13-C15 was a speculator buy meaning it was bought by non-collectors and now the market is correcting itself for this."
During that brief period when Zepps were in the $8-10K range for the most part the only people buying them were the speculators. They wandered from one table to the next asking only if you had a set of Zeppelins .... the regular customers for the most part stayed the course purchasing material that was familiar to them. A lot of new collectors entered the hobby during the mid 80's and floor traffic was always brisk...
One additional Scott valuation:
Scott Specialized 2005
(MH / U / MNH)
C13: 240 / 160 / 350
C14: 450 / 375 / 700
C15: 700 / 575 / 1050
Also Yvert & Tellier 2005:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
13: 300 / 300
14: 750 / 500
15: 1000 / 900
and Michel 2007:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
(C13): 250 / 180
(C14): 500 / 380
(C15): 850 / 650
and Michel 2015:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
(C13): 300 / 200
(C14): 550 / 400
(C15): 950 / 700
Surprising conclusion: contrary to what is usually thought, the valuation in the "domestic" specialized catalogue is lower than in foreign ones. Most of the time this is the other way around because of the higher demand.
A possible explanation is that a. Zeppelin stamps are popular worldwide and b. the USA Zeppelin stamps are especially iconic and a "must have" for every serious collector, just like for instance the Penny Black.
Updated with additional years, all values adjusted for inflation to 2016 dollars. The 1979 values are spiking due to inflation, would love to see some 1980s catalog values if anyone has them.
All in all this shows that these stamps are not a good investment. Might as well use them for postage.
I can add 1967 Scott values
C13 110.00 75.00
C14 180.00 110.00
C15 285.00 185.00
Thanks Roy. Here is updated data now including chart with catalog values not adjusted for inflation for same time period
Scott 1985 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $450. Used $350.
C14 Mint $1,000. Used $650.
C15 Mint $1,650. Used 1,000.
1955 Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $23.50 Used $20.
C14 Mint $45. Used $35.
C15 Mint $70. Used $60.
1966 Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $90. Used $60.
C14 Mint $150. Used $90.
C15 Mint $235. Used $150.
Correction perhaps needed for 1987 in values in graph above:
Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $350. Used $250. -- which are different from values in table above
C14 Mint $800. Used $550.
C15 Mint $1,300. Used $800.
Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $18.50 Used $16.
C14 Mint $47.50 Used $35.
C15 Mint $70. Used $55.
I can see the infomercial now....Zepplins are at record lows! It is time to acquire these before the price goes up!
".Zepplins are at record lows! It is time to acquire these before the price goes up!"
"Might as well use them for postage. "
They may be at record lows, however accounting for the 50% haircut that Scott catalog values took in the 80's to adjust to actual retail values rather than the fantasy values they had before, that may not be the real record. Note, some catalogs still carry that 100% markup - Michel for example. Thankfully Scott cut it despite complaints from the dealers.
Yes, but you should note that Michel catalogue prices are not the same as actual selling prices. Most dealers who use Michel sell at a discount of 50% or more. Perhaps not that often for this type of stamps, but nevertheless.
That is exactly my point. Scott at some point had the same methodology, not using selling prices. At some point, the CVs were revised to reflect actual retail value, so the 50% calculation was not required.
And yet some were paying in the $8 thousand range in the 80's..i hope they could afford it !David i have prices for chuck steak and gasoline from 1972 when my kids were small !
Phil, even carefully refrigerated, your 1972 chuck steak is not likely to be edible, much less appetizing, no matter the price. I'll pass.
Here is the 'set' trends
I put all the info in a webpage here
Amsd i did not say i liked it..chuck steak was affordable...we were not up to London Broil yet !
No one has put a photo of these stamps we are talking about. These are mine.
If anyone has a set or singles available for trade (cat.val. for cat.val.) give me a shout. My area is generally the U.S.Classics period, but I would be interested in adding the Zeps if available.
Dan C.
Since we're doing show and tell...
Here's mine! I said earlier in the thread that actual flown covers were cheaper than mint stamps and much more interesting. So these covers represent the series in my collection. I bought each of them separate, and waited until the right cover came along at the right price. There were many I lost to higher bidders too!
Beautiful BenFranklin!
Dan C.
Yes, Tom, very nice!
I also have a zepp cover collection that fills a 1-inch 3-ring binder, but none franked with C13-C15. I do have C13 and C14 on piece, however.
I'm curious about the postal history of your 3 covers.
From Wikipedia:
"The 1930 Pan-American Flight...originated in Friedrichshafen on 18 May and stopped first in Seville before leaving Europe. The Graf Zeppelin arrived in Brazil first at Recife (Pernambuco) docking at Campo do Jiquiá on 22 May where it was greeted by a crowd of more than 15,000 before preceding on to Rio de Janeiro. The airship then flew back north to Lakehurst, NJ, before heading east over the Atlantic on 2 June to return to Germany with another stop in Seville."
Your 65c cover shows a Freidrichshafen receiver cancel of June 6, seeming to document a transit time in the range of 4 days, including the stop in Seville. Can you make out the date of the Brooklyn cancellation?
Your $1.30 cover is cancelled at Varick Station on the date of departure, June 2 (12 noon?) Cool!
However, your $2.60 cover is cancelled way back in April, suggesting that the sender was anticipating the flight, perhaps based on some announcement of the planning for it.
By the way, there is a marvelous video on YouTube documenting this (or a similar flight) of the Graf Zeppelin to South America. It's called "Flying Down to Rio" (1932) by Pathe News. It's a little hokey for its newsreel genre, but consists of remarkable, clear footage, nonetheless...
I just checked EBay for them. Fantastic variation in price....some very cheap and others over-priced.
Here are the values (Scott default is for VF 80) from the 2014 and 2018 Scott US Specialized catalogues. Note how the GRADING changes the catalogue values (only 2014 included).
the zeppelin bladder was made from 10000 cow intestines
I am looking for the Scott Values of these stamps, mint and used, from 1972 to the present. Does anyone know where I could find such information?
David in Ottawa, Canada
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
2017 Scott Catalog values as follows
C13........Mint $190.00 Hinged $275.00 NH... USED $165.00
C14........Mint $375.00 Hinged $400.00 NH... USED $375.00
C15........Mint $575.00 Hinged $975.00 NH... USED $600.00
Hope this helps......Bill
I do have a 1974 Scott Specialized Catalog. Let me know if you want values for that year
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Pedroguy, are the posted values in the right category?
C15........Mint $575.00 Hinged $975.00 NH... USED $600.00
Used is worth more than mint hinged?
Dan C.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Yes Dan the C15 is $600.00 Used $575.00 Mint Hinged and $975.00 Mint Never Hinged
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Members might have enough old catalogs around to give you enough data points.
Here's a set - Scott 1977:
C13 - $225/125 M/U
C14 - $425/200 M/U
C15 - $650/325 M/U
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
1972 Scott Specialized (MNH not listed in this catalog):
C13 $125.00 mint / $87.50 used
C14 $200.00 mint / $125.00 used
C15 $325.00 mint / $220.00 used
1990 Scott Specialized (MNH not listed in this catalog):
C13 $250.00 mint / $200.00 used
C14 $700.00 mint / $450.00 used
C15 $1050.00 mint / $600.00 used
2008 Scott Specialized
C13 $250.00 mint / $160.00 used ... MNH $425
C14 $525.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $900
C15 $750.00 mint / $575.00 used ... MNH $1275
2011 Scott Specialized
C13 $210.00 mint / $165.00 used ... MNH $375
C14 $460.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $800
C15 $600.00 mint / $600.00 used ... MNH $1150
2016 Scott Specialized
C13 $180.00 mint / $165.00 used ... MNH $275
C14 $400.00 mint / $375.00 used ... MNH $650
C15 $575.00 mint / $600.00 used ... MNH $975
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Here is info from Scott,s 2004;
C13-$240 mint $160 used
C14--$450 Mint $375 used
C15--$700 mint $575 used
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
2002 Scott valuations:
C13 $360/250 MNH/MH, $160 used
C14 $725/500 MNH/MH, $375 used
C15 $1,150/800 MNH/MH, $575 used
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
1991 Scott Volume 1 valuations
C13 $250 mint / $200 used
C14 $700 mint / $450 used
C15 1050 mint / $600 used
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Here are the valuations from the 2009 edition:
C13: mint 250.00 / used 160.00 / MNH 425.00
C14: mint 525.00 / used 375.00 / MNH 900.00
C15: mint 750.00 / used 575.00 / MNH 1,275.00
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
In case you are curious:
1945 Specialized:
C13 $12.50 mint / $10.00 used
C14 $27.50 mint / $22.50 used
C15 $35.00 mint / $32.50 used
1959 Specialized:
C13 $37.50 mint / $25.00 used
C14 $62.50 mint / $40.00 used
C15 $90.00 mint / $75.00 used
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Here's a table of the data so far. Allowing for the value of the dollar, looks like anyone who picked up the set in the mid-1970s or later has had zero or negative appreciation. MNH C15 might be a little bit ahead.
C13 M C13 U C13 MNH C14 M C14 U C14 MNH C15 M C15 U C15 MNH
1972 125 87.5 200 125 325 220
1977 225 175 425 200 650 325
1990 250 200 700 450 1050 600
1991 250 200 700 450 1050 600
2002 250 160 500 375 800 575
2004 240 160 450 375 700 575
2008 250 160 425 525 375 900 750 575 1275
2009 250 160 425 525 375 900 750 575 1275
2011 210 165 375 460 375 800 600 600 1150
2016 180 165 275 400 375 650 575 600 975
2017 190 165 275 375 400 400 575 600 975
Rats! Messed up the formatting.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Interestingly, from 2008 to 2017, a used set has gone UP in price by $30 (a 2.7% increase), while MH has gone DOWN $385 (a 25% decrease) and MNH has dropped $950 (a whopping 37% decrease)!
By contrast C3 from 2008 to 2016 has held steady at $70 MH and $35 used, although MNH has dropped from $150 to $140.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
If memory serves 1988 would be the peak year for these, as well as most stamps. We used the 1988 catalog for quite some time because of what we thought were drastic reductions in the catalog value being out of touch with reality (wishful thinking).
Perhaps someone else can verify that during that brief time period in the mid 80's VFNH Zepps fetched in the $8000 to $10000 range. Didn't last long and quick turnaround was the key to making money on both the up and down sides of that lofty figure.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I find that some stamps (like C13-C15, 630 is similar) that seem to be very prevalent (available from many sellers) but command a premium. You cannot easily find some more less expensive stamps.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Webpaper, Right you are. It would be nice to see the values from a 1987 or 1988 catalog as those should show the highest relevant values. Hopefully someone has one of those cats and will share those values with us.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Thank-you, all for such wonderful information.
The value of being a member of SOR.
David in Ottawa, Canada
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I thought I'd throw my two cents worth in. Looking at values in older Scotts require that the inflation factor be considered. I used the inflation calculator to adjust all of the values that were mentioned so far and I think that this may bring everything into perspective. Values from the 80's may really be shocking, By the way, C3 did decrease in value as did any stamps that showed steady prices over the years. Values are in 2017 US dollars.
YEAR C13M C13U 14M C14U C15M C15U
1945 $169.71 $135.85 $373.58 $305.66 $475.46 $441.50
1959 $315.11 $210.07 $525.18 $336.12 $756.26 $630.22
1972 $731.23 $511.86 $1,169.97 $731.23 $1,901.20 $1,286.97
1977 $907.89 $504.38 $1,714.90 $807.01 $2,622.78 $1,311.39
1990 $467.72 $374.18 $1,309.62 $841.90 $1,964.42 $1,122.53
1991 $448.83 $359.07 $1,256.73 $807.90 $1,885.10 $1,077.20
2002 $339.81 $217.48 $679.61 $509.71 $1,087.38 $781.55
2004 $310.67 $207.11 $582.51 $485.42 $906.12 $744.32
2008 $283.93 $181.72 $596.25 $425.90 $851.79 $653.04
2009 $284.94 $182.36 $598.38 $427.42 $854.83 $655.37
2011 $228.28 $179.37 $500.05 $407.65 $652.24 $652.24
2016 $183.39 $168.11 $407.53 $382.06 $611.29 $611.29
2017 $190.00 $165.00 $375.00 $375.00 $575.00 $600.00
2002 $489.32 $985.44 $1,563.11
2008 $482.68 $1,022.15 $1,448.04
2009 $484.40 $1,025.80 $1,453.21
2011 $407.65 $869.65 $1,250.13
2017 $275.00 $400.00 $975.00
That was fun,
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I am sure the C13-C15 was a speculator buy meaning it was bought by non-collectors and now the market is correcting itself for this.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I was surprised with the relative lack of movement for the ‘internet years’. Most collectibles saw significant value movement when the internet allowed collectors to easily connect with each other; I would have expected a large drop in catalog values for the period of 2000 to present.
(based upon copy5555 inflation adjusted values)
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
"I am sure the C13-C15 was a speculator buy meaning it was bought by non-collectors and now the market is correcting itself for this."
During that brief period when Zepps were in the $8-10K range for the most part the only people buying them were the speculators. They wandered from one table to the next asking only if you had a set of Zeppelins .... the regular customers for the most part stayed the course purchasing material that was familiar to them. A lot of new collectors entered the hobby during the mid 80's and floor traffic was always brisk...
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
One additional Scott valuation:
Scott Specialized 2005
(MH / U / MNH)
C13: 240 / 160 / 350
C14: 450 / 375 / 700
C15: 700 / 575 / 1050
Also Yvert & Tellier 2005:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
13: 300 / 300
14: 750 / 500
15: 1000 / 900
and Michel 2007:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
(C13): 250 / 180
(C14): 500 / 380
(C15): 850 / 650
and Michel 2015:
(Mint / Used, in euros)
(C13): 300 / 200
(C14): 550 / 400
(C15): 950 / 700
Surprising conclusion: contrary to what is usually thought, the valuation in the "domestic" specialized catalogue is lower than in foreign ones. Most of the time this is the other way around because of the higher demand.
A possible explanation is that a. Zeppelin stamps are popular worldwide and b. the USA Zeppelin stamps are especially iconic and a "must have" for every serious collector, just like for instance the Penny Black.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Updated with additional years, all values adjusted for inflation to 2016 dollars. The 1979 values are spiking due to inflation, would love to see some 1980s catalog values if anyone has them.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
All in all this shows that these stamps are not a good investment. Might as well use them for postage.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I can add 1967 Scott values
C13 110.00 75.00
C14 180.00 110.00
C15 285.00 185.00
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Thanks Roy. Here is updated data now including chart with catalog values not adjusted for inflation for same time period
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Scott 1985 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $450. Used $350.
C14 Mint $1,000. Used $650.
C15 Mint $1,650. Used 1,000.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
1955 Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $23.50 Used $20.
C14 Mint $45. Used $35.
C15 Mint $70. Used $60.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
1966 Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $90. Used $60.
C14 Mint $150. Used $90.
C15 Mint $235. Used $150.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Correction perhaps needed for 1987 in values in graph above:
Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $350. Used $250. -- which are different from values in table above
C14 Mint $800. Used $550.
C15 Mint $1,300. Used $800.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue
C13 Mint $18.50 Used $16.
C14 Mint $47.50 Used $35.
C15 Mint $70. Used $55.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I can see the infomercial now....Zepplins are at record lows! It is time to acquire these before the price goes up!
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
".Zepplins are at record lows! It is time to acquire these before the price goes up!"
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
"Might as well use them for postage. "
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
They may be at record lows, however accounting for the 50% haircut that Scott catalog values took in the 80's to adjust to actual retail values rather than the fantasy values they had before, that may not be the real record. Note, some catalogs still carry that 100% markup - Michel for example. Thankfully Scott cut it despite complaints from the dealers.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Yes, but you should note that Michel catalogue prices are not the same as actual selling prices. Most dealers who use Michel sell at a discount of 50% or more. Perhaps not that often for this type of stamps, but nevertheless.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
That is exactly my point. Scott at some point had the same methodology, not using selling prices. At some point, the CVs were revised to reflect actual retail value, so the 50% calculation was not required.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
And yet some were paying in the $8 thousand range in the 80's..i hope they could afford it !David i have prices for chuck steak and gasoline from 1972 when my kids were small !
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Phil, even carefully refrigerated, your 1972 chuck steak is not likely to be edible, much less appetizing, no matter the price. I'll pass.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Here is the 'set' trends
I put all the info in a webpage here
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Amsd i did not say i liked it..chuck steak was affordable...we were not up to London Broil yet !
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
No one has put a photo of these stamps we are talking about. These are mine.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
If anyone has a set or singles available for trade (cat.val. for cat.val.) give me a shout. My area is generally the U.S.Classics period, but I would be interested in adding the Zeps if available.
Dan C.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Since we're doing show and tell...
Here's mine! I said earlier in the thread that actual flown covers were cheaper than mint stamps and much more interesting. So these covers represent the series in my collection. I bought each of them separate, and waited until the right cover came along at the right price. There were many I lost to higher bidders too!
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Yes, Tom, very nice!
I also have a zepp cover collection that fills a 1-inch 3-ring binder, but none franked with C13-C15. I do have C13 and C14 on piece, however.
I'm curious about the postal history of your 3 covers.
From Wikipedia:
"The 1930 Pan-American Flight...originated in Friedrichshafen on 18 May and stopped first in Seville before leaving Europe. The Graf Zeppelin arrived in Brazil first at Recife (Pernambuco) docking at Campo do Jiquiá on 22 May where it was greeted by a crowd of more than 15,000 before preceding on to Rio de Janeiro. The airship then flew back north to Lakehurst, NJ, before heading east over the Atlantic on 2 June to return to Germany with another stop in Seville."
Your 65c cover shows a Freidrichshafen receiver cancel of June 6, seeming to document a transit time in the range of 4 days, including the stop in Seville. Can you make out the date of the Brooklyn cancellation?
Your $1.30 cover is cancelled at Varick Station on the date of departure, June 2 (12 noon?) Cool!
However, your $2.60 cover is cancelled way back in April, suggesting that the sender was anticipating the flight, perhaps based on some announcement of the planning for it.
By the way, there is a marvelous video on YouTube documenting this (or a similar flight) of the Graf Zeppelin to South America. It's called "Flying Down to Rio" (1932) by Pathe News. It's a little hokey for its newsreel genre, but consists of remarkable, clear footage, nonetheless...
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
I just checked EBay for them. Fantastic variation in price....some very cheap and others over-priced.
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
Here are the values (Scott default is for VF 80) from the 2014 and 2018 Scott US Specialized catalogues. Note how the GRADING changes the catalogue values (only 2014 included).
re: C13-C15 Zeppelins
the zeppelin bladder was made from 10000 cow intestines