I bought the 2016 Yearbook with the additional Definitive and High Value packets. I was expecting to replace a few stamps with trimmed perfs like I did in 2015, but this year was particularly bad. I had to buy panes of all of the following to obtain an undamaged stamp or block to replace the damaged stamp(s) supplied with the yearbook:
World Stamp show (both)
Wonder Woman
Ice cream
Service Cross
Sarah Vaughan
Stamp Act
Chinese New Year
all 3 Christmas issues
Oddly, Songbirds wasn't damaged (only barely, though)
Luckily my business uses enough postage I could buy the panes I needed through my business and swap out the damaged stamp from the Yearbook for a good one I carefully obtained from a pristine pane. I then use to damaged stamp and remainder of the pane to carry the mail.
What a butcher job they do on those stamps!