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Africa/All : Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire


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01 Mar 2017
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Have fallen in love with this set of stamps, primarily from an aesthetic point of view. The 3/ in particular is among my favorite of any country. The final three values are a tad pricey, but not astronomic. Well, not too astronomic. A work in progress.

I am finding collecting early Africa stamps to be quite an education, and the stamps are, more often than not, of great interest. Working on Egypt lately.

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01 Mar 2017
re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Yes, one of my favorite sets, too! I favor the 10d colors.

When I began collecting again in the '80s, I focused primarily on colonial Africa. It was an intriguing period historically and lots of very nice engraved stamps were produced during that period.

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"

16 Sep 2017
re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

I'm trying to sort out my Rhodesia stamps, and find myself in a dilemma. I have several of each of the low value George V admirals, and they all seem to be different colors/shades, even allowing for fading, etc.
So, I started searching the i-net for information to help me classify all the variations. Well! Lots of information, but not much which corresponds to the other information. Too many variations not listed in catalogs.

So, before I try to correlate that dog's breakfast of data, from all these sources into one quasi-catalog of early Rhodesia, I thought I would ask if anyone here has already gone through this, and would be willing to post their information here for myself and others to benefit from.
Alternatively, can anyone direct me to an online source which they have found useful?

Thanks in advance!

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16 Sep 2017
re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Try this site. It might help with some.


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16 Sep 2017
re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

The Rhodesian Admirals and their equally colourful predecessors the "Double Heads" must be
some of the most spectacular sets of stamps ever produced.

"Too many variations not listed in catalogs."

Dennis, you don't mention which catalogues you have referenced, but both the "South African Stamp Colour Catalogue" and the "Stanley Gibbons - Southern and Central Africa Catalogue" list more than 136 different Admirals taking into account perf, colour varieties and Die I, II or III.
Most of which can be seen here http://www.rhodesianstamps.net/BSAC/04_1913_Admirals.htm

Even more detail can be found in the Journal of the Rhodesian Study Circle which includes amongst its contributors, some of the foremost experts in these stamps.

To further whet your appetite a fairly comprehensive list of the Double Heads can be seen here http://www.rhodesianstamps.net/BSAC/03_1910_Double_Heads.htm


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"AlbumEasy - Free software for creating custom stamp album pages."


17 Sep 2017
re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Thank you Michael and Clive,

In my travels I had stumbled accross both of the sites you provided links for. The re-entries site I had not sufficiently explored until today (Thanks Michael), and had let the BSAC site get away from me (Thanks Clive).
I do believe I can build a very good reference file by combining those two, as well as adding tid-bits from a number of others I have bookmarked.
It looks like my start point will be the BSAC site, and I'll expand from there.

Such a hassle having to search so many places to identify a stamp, so many times, for so many countries. I will be happier once I have created my own Rhodesia file from these resources. AND, next time will be so much easier!!!

Thank you both again!!

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01 Mar 2017

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Have fallen in love with this set of stamps, primarily from an aesthetic point of view. The 3/ in particular is among my favorite of any country. The final three values are a tad pricey, but not astronomic. Well, not too astronomic. A work in progress.

I am finding collecting early Africa stamps to be quite an education, and the stamps are, more often than not, of great interest. Working on Egypt lately.


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01 Mar 2017

re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Yes, one of my favorite sets, too! I favor the 10d colors.

When I began collecting again in the '80s, I focused primarily on colonial Africa. It was an intriguing period historically and lots of very nice engraved stamps were produced during that period.

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"I no longer collect, but will never abandon the hobby"

16 Sep 2017

re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

I'm trying to sort out my Rhodesia stamps, and find myself in a dilemma. I have several of each of the low value George V admirals, and they all seem to be different colors/shades, even allowing for fading, etc.
So, I started searching the i-net for information to help me classify all the variations. Well! Lots of information, but not much which corresponds to the other information. Too many variations not listed in catalogs.

So, before I try to correlate that dog's breakfast of data, from all these sources into one quasi-catalog of early Rhodesia, I thought I would ask if anyone here has already gone through this, and would be willing to post their information here for myself and others to benefit from.
Alternatively, can anyone direct me to an online source which they have found useful?

Thanks in advance!

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16 Sep 2017

re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Try this site. It might help with some.


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16 Sep 2017

re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

The Rhodesian Admirals and their equally colourful predecessors the "Double Heads" must be
some of the most spectacular sets of stamps ever produced.

"Too many variations not listed in catalogs."

Dennis, you don't mention which catalogues you have referenced, but both the "South African Stamp Colour Catalogue" and the "Stanley Gibbons - Southern and Central Africa Catalogue" list more than 136 different Admirals taking into account perf, colour varieties and Die I, II or III.
Most of which can be seen here http://www.rhodesianstamps.net/BSAC/04_1913_Admirals.htm

Even more detail can be found in the Journal of the Rhodesian Study Circle which includes amongst its contributors, some of the foremost experts in these stamps.

To further whet your appetite a fairly comprehensive list of the Double Heads can be seen here http://www.rhodesianstamps.net/BSAC/03_1910_Double_Heads.htm


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"AlbumEasy - Free software for creating custom stamp album pages."


17 Sep 2017

re: Rhodesia Admirals - KGV in two-tone nautical attire

Thank you Michael and Clive,

In my travels I had stumbled accross both of the sites you provided links for. The re-entries site I had not sufficiently explored until today (Thanks Michael), and had let the BSAC site get away from me (Thanks Clive).
I do believe I can build a very good reference file by combining those two, as well as adding tid-bits from a number of others I have bookmarked.
It looks like my start point will be the BSAC site, and I'll expand from there.

Such a hassle having to search so many places to identify a stamp, so many times, for so many countries. I will be happier once I have created my own Rhodesia file from these resources. AND, next time will be so much easier!!!

Thank you both again!!

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