If you are thinking of investing the time & money to post them yourself, I'd consider an upgrade, eg, put them on cover with a carefully selected companion stamp or two, and print custom artwork onto the covers.
That's a notable investment in cash & time, but it might get you to a coupla bucks per cover.
Getting a handback cancel on each dude's birthday might add something, as well.
Whether as single GPU (Genuinely Postally Used) stamps, or as philatelic covers, you're probably going to be waiting awhile for that properly motivated buyer to come along.
/s/ ikeyPikey
PS another way to add value would be to create a cachet from the stamp itself, eg, scan the stamp, crop it, and perhaps use image processing filters (PhotoShop) to polarize the image so it begins to approximate a line engraving ...
They are already canceled and off the paper as individual stamps. So was wondering what anyone thought about them that way.
I just used a picture to identify what kind of stamps they are.
My opinion, no premium for postal use cancelled singles from modern US souvenir sheets,be it Bicentennial, WWII, Celebrate the Century, Columbians, Trans Mississippi etc.. all nice stamps issued in the many millions.
i don't see many of these used on cover, in period. if the cancels are all contemporary, that'd be a plus. if they were used later, at least you have examples.
What would one think the value of these would be as individual canceled stamps. (Not CTO's)
re: 86 Presidents
If you are thinking of investing the time & money to post them yourself, I'd consider an upgrade, eg, put them on cover with a carefully selected companion stamp or two, and print custom artwork onto the covers.
That's a notable investment in cash & time, but it might get you to a coupla bucks per cover.
Getting a handback cancel on each dude's birthday might add something, as well.
Whether as single GPU (Genuinely Postally Used) stamps, or as philatelic covers, you're probably going to be waiting awhile for that properly motivated buyer to come along.
/s/ ikeyPikey
PS another way to add value would be to create a cachet from the stamp itself, eg, scan the stamp, crop it, and perhaps use image processing filters (PhotoShop) to polarize the image so it begins to approximate a line engraving ...
re: 86 Presidents
They are already canceled and off the paper as individual stamps. So was wondering what anyone thought about them that way.
I just used a picture to identify what kind of stamps they are.
re: 86 Presidents
My opinion, no premium for postal use cancelled singles from modern US souvenir sheets,be it Bicentennial, WWII, Celebrate the Century, Columbians, Trans Mississippi etc.. all nice stamps issued in the many millions.
re: 86 Presidents
i don't see many of these used on cover, in period. if the cancels are all contemporary, that'd be a plus. if they were used later, at least you have examples.