Not as the seller. You can mark it shipped when you take that action. Hopefully the buyer will mark it received at which point you can close the invoice. You can close it without the buyer's input. That's up to you when to do it.
It is a manual process that was designed to help buyers and sellers provide each other with transaction status updates. However, it means that both parties communicate. Many buyers and sellers lack the will, desire or courtesy to do so.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for that.
Hi folks
I have just had a small problem with an invoice - I solved the issue by sending an invoice to my buyer, directly from PayPal.
My buyer paid directly to my PayPal a/c (as I requested) and now I have an invoice remaining on my SOR Invoice list which appears to be unpaid.
Is there a way to mark this invoice as paid (on my SOR Invoice list)?
re: Can a Seller mark SOR Invoice as PAID ?
Not as the seller. You can mark it shipped when you take that action. Hopefully the buyer will mark it received at which point you can close the invoice. You can close it without the buyer's input. That's up to you when to do it.
It is a manual process that was designed to help buyers and sellers provide each other with transaction status updates. However, it means that both parties communicate. Many buyers and sellers lack the will, desire or courtesy to do so.
re: Can a Seller mark SOR Invoice as PAID ?
Hi Michael,
Thanks for that.