For the USA delivery, that is fully within the 3 to 5 day window for first class mail. There is a bill in Congress to force USPS to revert back to the 2 to 3 day delivery window. The bill also includes other postal reforms as reported in a recent issue of Linn's.
I wasn't complaining about the Arizona delivery as much as making a working comparison with overseas mail.
Will congress provide the funding to make their mandate possible?
"Will congress provide the funding to make their mandate possible?"
I just got a letter from Tuskie postmarked two days after it arrived. What the heck kind of Postal Jedi Sorcery is that? Maybe he's planning a coup d'etat of Canada Post. I think I need to start reading up on more conspiracy theory and end-of-days stuff to figure out what our old buddy is up to...
Forgot this...
Speedy, well maybe, got an envelope today (with stamps enclosed) from Portugal. It was meter franked 14.27pm 05 July 2016. I live some 200K west of Winnipeg, Manitoba so pretty fast postal service.
Thank goodness the strike is not on yet.
Two envelopes arrived today, Paul's, five days from Arizona to Texas, and Ian's four days in transit from Scotland, through the trans Atlantic pneumatic tubes I guess.
re: Speedy mail
For the USA delivery, that is fully within the 3 to 5 day window for first class mail. There is a bill in Congress to force USPS to revert back to the 2 to 3 day delivery window. The bill also includes other postal reforms as reported in a recent issue of Linn's.
re: Speedy mail
I wasn't complaining about the Arizona delivery as much as making a working comparison with overseas mail.
re: Speedy mail
Will congress provide the funding to make their mandate possible?
re: Speedy mail
"Will congress provide the funding to make their mandate possible?"
re: Speedy mail
I just got a letter from Tuskie postmarked two days after it arrived. What the heck kind of Postal Jedi Sorcery is that? Maybe he's planning a coup d'etat of Canada Post. I think I need to start reading up on more conspiracy theory and end-of-days stuff to figure out what our old buddy is up to...
re: Speedy mail
Speedy, well maybe, got an envelope today (with stamps enclosed) from Portugal. It was meter franked 14.27pm 05 July 2016. I live some 200K west of Winnipeg, Manitoba so pretty fast postal service.
Thank goodness the strike is not on yet.