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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Pictures for auctions and approvals



25 May 2016
Is it just me or does anyone else have problems with pictures on auctions? I have a few books in approvals and had only a sizing problem which with a little help from Theresa I now have sorted, but, when it comes to trying to set up an auction I can't seem to get a picture to show at all, have tried several times, tried finding information on site for help but still can't get anywhere. Must be just me I guess At Wits End

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."


25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Check the size of your images. Images must not be larger than 1400 x 1230 pixels.

If you are using an image hosting site, make sure that the hosting site permits uploading of images to another site.

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25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Hi Michael,

I'm using photobucket, when scanning am using 150 dpi as I do for the approvals but it won't load up, have no idea how to find out the pixel sizes, is it the same pixels for approvals and auction? If so it must be something else I'm doing wrong.

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."


25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I upload my images directly to the Stamporama server. Maybe someone who uses Photobucket can chime in and help end your frustration.

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25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Try scanning at 100dpi. Auctions have a smaller size limit than approvals.

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"


25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I do for the approvals but the auction wanted a url and the only way I know to do that is to go through photobucket. As you can tell I'm not much good on computers Confused

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."


25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

ok, went through it all again and realised that if I left the url's blank that I would then get an option to load direct from my computer and I think that has worked. When I am sure it works I will put more up.

mental note to self, "MUST read everything"Big Grin

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

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25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Oh! I think I understand now, you're trying to load the pic for the auctions from the first page that comes up, skip loading the pic on that page, fill in the fields then you go to a SECOND page that has an image upload exactly like the approvals. Hope that helps?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"


25 May 2016
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Thanks Theresa and Michael Thumbs Up

One day I might get a brain Laughing

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

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IPDA past chairman, Sacramento Philatelic Society #2112-past vice president, ISWWSC #2966, Iran philatelic study circle, US Army Veteran, Grandfather of 6, stamp collector/seller!

18 Sep 2017
re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I submitted an article on how to change the size of your image in paint..works great for me if that helps..I add an image and SOR tells me to big all the time..paint.edit.resize.if this helps.

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"Thanks to all our Veterans, past and present"




25 May 2016

Is it just me or does anyone else have problems with pictures on auctions? I have a few books in approvals and had only a sizing problem which with a little help from Theresa I now have sorted, but, when it comes to trying to set up an auction I can't seem to get a picture to show at all, have tried several times, tried finding information on site for help but still can't get anywhere. Must be just me I guess At Wits End

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

www.facebook.com/gro ...

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Check the size of your images. Images must not be larger than 1400 x 1230 pixels.

If you are using an image hosting site, make sure that the hosting site permits uploading of images to another site.

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25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Hi Michael,

I'm using photobucket, when scanning am using 150 dpi as I do for the approvals but it won't load up, have no idea how to find out the pixel sizes, is it the same pixels for approvals and auction? If so it must be something else I'm doing wrong.

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

www.facebook.com/gro ...

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I upload my images directly to the Stamporama server. Maybe someone who uses Photobucket can chime in and help end your frustration.

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25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Try scanning at 100dpi. Auctions have a smaller size limit than approvals.

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I do for the approvals but the auction wanted a url and the only way I know to do that is to go through photobucket. As you can tell I'm not much good on computers Confused

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

www.facebook.com/gro ...

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

ok, went through it all again and realised that if I left the url's blank that I would then get an option to load direct from my computer and I think that has worked. When I am sure it works I will put more up.

mental note to self, "MUST read everything"Big Grin

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

www.facebook.com/gro ...
Members Picture

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Oh! I think I understand now, you're trying to load the pic for the auctions from the first page that comes up, skip loading the pic on that page, fill in the fields then you go to a SECOND page that has an image upload exactly like the approvals. Hope that helps?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

25 May 2016

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

Thanks Theresa and Michael Thumbs Up

One day I might get a brain Laughing

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"Collect whatever YOU like, not what someone tells you."

www.facebook.com/gro ...

IPDA past chairman, Sacramento Philatelic Society #2112-past vice president, ISWWSC #2966, Iran philatelic study circle, US Army Veteran, Grandfather of 6, stamp collector/seller!
18 Sep 2017

re: Pictures for auctions and approvals

I submitted an article on how to change the size of your image in paint..works great for me if that helps..I add an image and SOR tells me to big all the time..paint.edit.resize.if this helps.

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"Thanks to all our Veterans, past and present"

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