100 years from now these marker cancels will be worth a premium and categorized by color. Purple will be the most valuable.
To see them side-by-side ... one shudders.
Received the other day, postmarked with invisible ink I presume.
I received this one the other day with my new Australian catalogue pages
the stamp on the top can any one tell me about it?As you can see it got through without being mutilated,or cancelled.
I think I prefer the invisible ink over the marker
That is, if it isn't going to be nicely cancelled properly. Clear cancellations I prefer the most lol.
Brian, the stamp on top is personal computer postage, probably through stamps.com. According to my 2012 catalogue it appears to be #1CVP71.
Two nice covers the senders took time to apply nice stamps to, one arrived without a blemish, while the other got sniped by the uncapped crusader.
re: Two large covers received recently....
100 years from now these marker cancels will be worth a premium and categorized by color. Purple will be the most valuable.
re: Two large covers received recently....
To see them side-by-side ... one shudders.
re: Two large covers received recently....
Received the other day, postmarked with invisible ink I presume.
re: Two large covers received recently....
I think I prefer the invisible ink over the marker
That is, if it isn't going to be nicely cancelled properly. Clear cancellations I prefer the most lol.
re: Two large covers received recently....
Brian, the stamp on top is personal computer postage, probably through stamps.com. According to my 2012 catalogue it appears to be #1CVP71.