Not yet, but you're alot closer to Pennsylvania than I am.
Have received several here in Iowa.
I haven't seen anything in New York
Have received a few here in Michigan.
I urge all APS members to vote this year. There is a lot new refreshing candidates for all positions who are interested in APS, openness, and the hobby in general. The turnout is usually low (4000 range) and often based upon name recognition and resume bragging.
Look at the resumes, it does not take a multi millionaire to be an officer in the American Philatelic Society..just my opinion but i think some of them just want another credit after their name or feather in their cap.
I got my APS magazine with the ballots yesterday and my ballot is now awaiting pick up by our carrier.
Since I don't know how specific we are allowed to get I will just say that I also am unimpressed by the people with the glittery resumes. There seem to be two camps in most APS elections; for want of a better description, the insiders and those who challenge them. I do not recall ever voting for a winning candidate for president of the APS or board of VPs, at least not in the past ten years.
I think the vast majority of members pay little attention and see the four page ads, read the impressive resumes, see the high power endorsements and vote the same old clique back in repeatedly. I sure hope they put more thought than this into voting in the outside world.
I think I can safely predict the outcome of most races, it is what it is..
Thank You Snick, I remeber Janet Klug from the APS shows when she was President...she was a genuine person.some of these other guys were like you say.. a clique that only acknowledge their own.
I always vote in the elections. I even got my name published for getting someone to join the APS (another Canadian, no less). I've recruited eight members in 12 years.
I got mine in Florida on Saturday, and already sent it in.
I agree with angore-:
I will (and would not) tell anyone how to vote, but as a member of the AHPS, I can tell you that Bruce Marsden is my man for APS Treasurer. He is currently Treasurer of the AHPS (American Helvetia Philatelic Society) in addition to APRL and really knows his stuff when it comes to handling finances of Not for Profits.
(P.S. And BTW, I am perplexed by those who are unimpressed by the qualifications of those in this election. To me, when it comes to management of an organization of the APS, I look with people who have what look to be proven business accomplishments OUTSIDE the APS. I am actually more impressed than normal with the quality of the candidates!)
I'm just jealous !
There are two questions that everyone running should be required to answer.
First is why - Why am I interested in the position? Is it about me or about the organization? Would I still run if the vote was purely based on written qualifications only and my name would not be made public or do I need recognition?
Second is resources - Do I have the knowledge, time and temperament for the position? Can I always be available should the need arise? Am I willing to engage in compromise for the good of the club? Am I a good listener and do I listen to everyone, or do I only listen to those I agree with?
Tough questions if answered truthfully and realistically. Those most "qualified" are not always best suited for the position. None of these positions require extensive experience. They all require "common sense", the willingness to listen, and the ability to play well with others.
Just my two cents.
Amen ! Common sense and a love of stamp collecting !
Overextending expansion is often done by those with an impressive resume and list of accomplishments. Another term one might use would be "Empire Builders".
I have been a member of APS for almost 30 years and to say that the expansion decisions were "questionable" is charitable. In my opinion they were reckless when conceived. This is first and foremost a club, albeit a large one. Trying to run it as a business is what got them in trouble in the first place.
A $4 million yearly budget cam be run quite nicely by someone with a bit of experience and basic knowledge. Since it is a decreasing, rather than increasing amount with little generated income outside of dues and fees it should be run using the proverbial "cigar box" concept rather than committing to large future obligations as those experienced in business are prone to do.
Just my opinion.
What were they thinking ? On my first visit to the match factory i saw this huge place wth only about 20 percent of the roof complete..built on a flood plain..surrounded by a stream and railroad tracks with no room to expand parking. Well they wanted a historic site..they got one.
I think there has been somewhat a dynasty for a long time.
I think you need passionate collectors with business credentials and idea not people who have retired and want to give back to the hobby. I am not asking them to micromanage everything but donate, volunteer, etc to APS. This is how to help APS if they really want to help.
I agree with Anglophile here. I worked in not for profits for 30 years plus was on the board of a couple of churches. The biggest problem I saw is that people who were willing, but not really qualified to lead were put in positions of high authority and were overwhelmed.
That is not to say that some highly qualified individuals on past boards, as well as the current board haven't made VERY questionable decisions.
The decisions regarding the Match Factory and the underhanded way the Board went about hiring the new Executive Director AFTER the membership overwhelmingly told them no definitely influenced how I voted this time. In a number of cases, I voted AGAINST incumbents.
I just filled out my ballot and will mail it today. I know some of the candidates personally or from meeting or working with them over the years. All want to server the APS but some are more qualified then others. There were a few difficult choices in the election but I'm sure the APS will survive another election.
If you are a member it is your right and responsibility to vote.
I voted yesterday as well.
Like Bob, I too have worked for nonprofits for over 30 years, including board service on a half a dozen of them. All too often unqualified people - particularly in smaller volunteer oriented organizations - rise to positions beyond their capabilities (the Peter Principle) simply because those who are qualified don't want to take on the responsibilities associated with leadership.
Nonprofit organizations are businesses, just like their for profit cousins. As such they need professional business leadership. The people I voted for have resumes that suggest that they have a good deal of business leadership. I hope that, if they're elected, they put it to work for the benefit of all APS members.
As someone who has WORKED in non-profits his entire life, I think we are pointing out a problem that sometimes occurs, and that is when the Board makes business decisions or otherwise intrudes on the roles that should be the purview of the professional staff.
In most cases, the board should provide a goal and allow the staff to develop the strategies and tactics to accomplish those goals, but otherwise, get out of the way. They can often provide the specialty services (ie, expertising, developing courses, etc) but shouldn't be on the business end of things.
When the roles are confused, bad things happen.
Just went to my mailbox and found a mailing from Mystic Stamp-Mr Sundeman is endorsing Ken and also the VP board including Kaufman and Shapiro.
Not sure how much difference this makes but it may help these candidates.
The funny thing is I thought we had the best already on the board over the last few terms - lots of business experience, prior experience professionals, non-profit experience, etc.
After working on the corporate environment for many years, do not get too impressed with fancy resumes. I have see too many that have also risen to the top with exalted titles and still not that good at making good decisions.
I have read few new ideas (do more of the same but better) from what has been stated in the ads. We would need 4500 new members to cover the cost of the new ED so membership is not the openly answer.
Good governance starts with a good staff and APS's staff is pretty thin.
A true plan identifies actions and expected results with dates and then corrective action if goals are not met. This is often what job performance and compensation are based upon.
"The funny thing is I thought we had the best already on the board over the last few terms - lots of business experience, prior experience professionals, non-profit experience, etc.
After working on the corporate environment for many years, do not get too impressed with fancy resumes. I have see too many that have also risen to the top with exalted titles and still not that good at making good decisions."
Amen - this is exactly the point I was trying to make. I have watched Federal government employees screw up bad enough to receive a promotion and a transfer - in other words get him/her out of here - whatever it takes. Their promotion looks great on a resume. It mainly occurs in Executive Service positions.
Hmmm does anyone remember "the Peter Principle"?????
Sure. I still quote from it all the time.
I got my ballot and filled in most of my choices. I really do not expect that much change with the new set. A new team of 50 year old+ leaders will likely have many of the same life experiences in starting to collect so no new ideas.
Let's face it there are not 10,000 people ($450K net revenue) just waiting to join if it is the status quo APS. It is the nature of the situation with the status of stamp collecting in today's society with stamps less relevant to leisure time hobbies available to many.
I think APS should consider the plan where 25,000 members is the base and see what they would do with that.
"Hmmm does anyone remember "the Peter Principle"????? "
i don't recall: was the Match Factory initiative a staff- or board-sponsored initiative?
it seems that it was a board proposal, hence the huge board fights that ensued; is that correct? Memory fades, like a sputtering match.
The Match Factory was the result of APS needing a larger location since they had outgrown the prior one. This has been discussed by the board numerous times and that was a goal.
The selection of the Match Factory was controversial since it needed so much work (debt), in a flood plain, unknowns related to remodelling, etc. rather than find a more finished location. There was even the "let reason prevail" campaign against it led by Randy Neil and others.
I'm tempted to split the ballot and vote for a few from each group.
The employees at Bellefonte are the salt of the earth...ask them for something and they will bend over backwards to help. Too bad we could not have a couple of them on a "watchdog committee " to counsel the annointed ones .
"I'm tempted to split the ballot and vote for a few from each group. "
It could be worst ! The Donald or Hillary !
It could be wurst.
Life would be interesting !!
Anyone else getting letters and ballots from the candidates running for office this year ? I have already ruled a few out as vastly over qualified for the jobs.
re: APS Elections
Not yet, but you're alot closer to Pennsylvania than I am.
re: APS Elections
Have received several here in Iowa.
re: APS Elections
I haven't seen anything in New York
re: APS Elections
Have received a few here in Michigan.
re: APS Elections
I urge all APS members to vote this year. There is a lot new refreshing candidates for all positions who are interested in APS, openness, and the hobby in general. The turnout is usually low (4000 range) and often based upon name recognition and resume bragging.
re: APS Elections
Look at the resumes, it does not take a multi millionaire to be an officer in the American Philatelic Society..just my opinion but i think some of them just want another credit after their name or feather in their cap.
re: APS Elections
I got my APS magazine with the ballots yesterday and my ballot is now awaiting pick up by our carrier.
Since I don't know how specific we are allowed to get I will just say that I also am unimpressed by the people with the glittery resumes. There seem to be two camps in most APS elections; for want of a better description, the insiders and those who challenge them. I do not recall ever voting for a winning candidate for president of the APS or board of VPs, at least not in the past ten years.
I think the vast majority of members pay little attention and see the four page ads, read the impressive resumes, see the high power endorsements and vote the same old clique back in repeatedly. I sure hope they put more thought than this into voting in the outside world.
I think I can safely predict the outcome of most races, it is what it is..
re: APS Elections
Thank You Snick, I remeber Janet Klug from the APS shows when she was President...she was a genuine person.some of these other guys were like you say.. a clique that only acknowledge their own.
re: APS Elections
I always vote in the elections. I even got my name published for getting someone to join the APS (another Canadian, no less). I've recruited eight members in 12 years.
re: APS Elections
I got mine in Florida on Saturday, and already sent it in.
I agree with angore-:
I will (and would not) tell anyone how to vote, but as a member of the AHPS, I can tell you that Bruce Marsden is my man for APS Treasurer. He is currently Treasurer of the AHPS (American Helvetia Philatelic Society) in addition to APRL and really knows his stuff when it comes to handling finances of Not for Profits.
(P.S. And BTW, I am perplexed by those who are unimpressed by the qualifications of those in this election. To me, when it comes to management of an organization of the APS, I look with people who have what look to be proven business accomplishments OUTSIDE the APS. I am actually more impressed than normal with the quality of the candidates!)
re: APS Elections
I'm just jealous !
re: APS Elections
There are two questions that everyone running should be required to answer.
First is why - Why am I interested in the position? Is it about me or about the organization? Would I still run if the vote was purely based on written qualifications only and my name would not be made public or do I need recognition?
Second is resources - Do I have the knowledge, time and temperament for the position? Can I always be available should the need arise? Am I willing to engage in compromise for the good of the club? Am I a good listener and do I listen to everyone, or do I only listen to those I agree with?
Tough questions if answered truthfully and realistically. Those most "qualified" are not always best suited for the position. None of these positions require extensive experience. They all require "common sense", the willingness to listen, and the ability to play well with others.
Just my two cents.
re: APS Elections
Amen ! Common sense and a love of stamp collecting !
re: APS Elections
Overextending expansion is often done by those with an impressive resume and list of accomplishments. Another term one might use would be "Empire Builders".
I have been a member of APS for almost 30 years and to say that the expansion decisions were "questionable" is charitable. In my opinion they were reckless when conceived. This is first and foremost a club, albeit a large one. Trying to run it as a business is what got them in trouble in the first place.
A $4 million yearly budget cam be run quite nicely by someone with a bit of experience and basic knowledge. Since it is a decreasing, rather than increasing amount with little generated income outside of dues and fees it should be run using the proverbial "cigar box" concept rather than committing to large future obligations as those experienced in business are prone to do.
Just my opinion.
re: APS Elections
What were they thinking ? On my first visit to the match factory i saw this huge place wth only about 20 percent of the roof complete..built on a flood plain..surrounded by a stream and railroad tracks with no room to expand parking. Well they wanted a historic site..they got one.
re: APS Elections
I think there has been somewhat a dynasty for a long time.
I think you need passionate collectors with business credentials and idea not people who have retired and want to give back to the hobby. I am not asking them to micromanage everything but donate, volunteer, etc to APS. This is how to help APS if they really want to help.
re: APS Elections
I agree with Anglophile here. I worked in not for profits for 30 years plus was on the board of a couple of churches. The biggest problem I saw is that people who were willing, but not really qualified to lead were put in positions of high authority and were overwhelmed.
That is not to say that some highly qualified individuals on past boards, as well as the current board haven't made VERY questionable decisions.
The decisions regarding the Match Factory and the underhanded way the Board went about hiring the new Executive Director AFTER the membership overwhelmingly told them no definitely influenced how I voted this time. In a number of cases, I voted AGAINST incumbents.
re: APS Elections
I just filled out my ballot and will mail it today. I know some of the candidates personally or from meeting or working with them over the years. All want to server the APS but some are more qualified then others. There were a few difficult choices in the election but I'm sure the APS will survive another election.
If you are a member it is your right and responsibility to vote.
re: APS Elections
I voted yesterday as well.
Like Bob, I too have worked for nonprofits for over 30 years, including board service on a half a dozen of them. All too often unqualified people - particularly in smaller volunteer oriented organizations - rise to positions beyond their capabilities (the Peter Principle) simply because those who are qualified don't want to take on the responsibilities associated with leadership.
Nonprofit organizations are businesses, just like their for profit cousins. As such they need professional business leadership. The people I voted for have resumes that suggest that they have a good deal of business leadership. I hope that, if they're elected, they put it to work for the benefit of all APS members.
re: APS Elections
As someone who has WORKED in non-profits his entire life, I think we are pointing out a problem that sometimes occurs, and that is when the Board makes business decisions or otherwise intrudes on the roles that should be the purview of the professional staff.
In most cases, the board should provide a goal and allow the staff to develop the strategies and tactics to accomplish those goals, but otherwise, get out of the way. They can often provide the specialty services (ie, expertising, developing courses, etc) but shouldn't be on the business end of things.
When the roles are confused, bad things happen.
re: APS Elections
Just went to my mailbox and found a mailing from Mystic Stamp-Mr Sundeman is endorsing Ken and also the VP board including Kaufman and Shapiro.
Not sure how much difference this makes but it may help these candidates.
re: APS Elections
The funny thing is I thought we had the best already on the board over the last few terms - lots of business experience, prior experience professionals, non-profit experience, etc.
After working on the corporate environment for many years, do not get too impressed with fancy resumes. I have see too many that have also risen to the top with exalted titles and still not that good at making good decisions.
I have read few new ideas (do more of the same but better) from what has been stated in the ads. We would need 4500 new members to cover the cost of the new ED so membership is not the openly answer.
Good governance starts with a good staff and APS's staff is pretty thin.
A true plan identifies actions and expected results with dates and then corrective action if goals are not met. This is often what job performance and compensation are based upon.
re: APS Elections
"The funny thing is I thought we had the best already on the board over the last few terms - lots of business experience, prior experience professionals, non-profit experience, etc.
After working on the corporate environment for many years, do not get too impressed with fancy resumes. I have see too many that have also risen to the top with exalted titles and still not that good at making good decisions."
Amen - this is exactly the point I was trying to make. I have watched Federal government employees screw up bad enough to receive a promotion and a transfer - in other words get him/her out of here - whatever it takes. Their promotion looks great on a resume. It mainly occurs in Executive Service positions.
re: APS Elections
Hmmm does anyone remember "the Peter Principle"?????
re: APS Elections
Sure. I still quote from it all the time.
re: APS Elections
I got my ballot and filled in most of my choices. I really do not expect that much change with the new set. A new team of 50 year old+ leaders will likely have many of the same life experiences in starting to collect so no new ideas.
Let's face it there are not 10,000 people ($450K net revenue) just waiting to join if it is the status quo APS. It is the nature of the situation with the status of stamp collecting in today's society with stamps less relevant to leisure time hobbies available to many.
I think APS should consider the plan where 25,000 members is the base and see what they would do with that.
re: APS Elections
"Hmmm does anyone remember "the Peter Principle"????? "
re: APS Elections
i don't recall: was the Match Factory initiative a staff- or board-sponsored initiative?
it seems that it was a board proposal, hence the huge board fights that ensued; is that correct? Memory fades, like a sputtering match.
re: APS Elections
The Match Factory was the result of APS needing a larger location since they had outgrown the prior one. This has been discussed by the board numerous times and that was a goal.
The selection of the Match Factory was controversial since it needed so much work (debt), in a flood plain, unknowns related to remodelling, etc. rather than find a more finished location. There was even the "let reason prevail" campaign against it led by Randy Neil and others.
re: APS Elections
I'm tempted to split the ballot and vote for a few from each group.
re: APS Elections
The employees at Bellefonte are the salt of the earth...ask them for something and they will bend over backwards to help. Too bad we could not have a couple of them on a "watchdog committee " to counsel the annointed ones .
re: APS Elections
"I'm tempted to split the ballot and vote for a few from each group. "
re: APS Elections
It could be worst ! The Donald or Hillary !
re: APS Elections
It could be wurst.
re: APS Elections
Life would be interesting !!