This is what the whole pane looks like, to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about.
Of all the recent stamps I've used to send mail to other collectors, this set has received the most oohs and ahhs. Even people I would not figure as Batman fans like them.
I love these stamps!
Even the "Bat-signal" ones!
I have the four rectangle stamps, used and with nice cancels, in my collection. Notice that the round Bat-signal stamps are each a different design. Yikes... I need three more.
Wonderful stamps!
Ottawa, Canada
That's not the first time they did that. I always thought this was a little sneaky:
The replicas of stamps are only worth 7c while the replicas of souvenir stickers are worth $3.20! I doubt many of those panes went into normal circulation like the Batman stamps, but it was still sneaky IMHO.
I just noticed this about the Batman pane, currently on sale at post offices everywhere (in the US).
See those 4 circular Batman insignia stickers? That is, I thought they were just decorative labels included to spiff up your mail along with the Batman stamp, and I almost used them for that purpose, except that I kept forgetting to put them on the envelope -- lucky for me, as it turns out.
I did not notice, before, the Forever/USA inscription on them. These are stamps. I wonder how many people, unaware, will toss the sheet after the Batman stamps are gone, literally throwing money away. I wonder if the USPS did this purposely. I'm sure someone along the way must have said these do not look like stamps, and that people will let their children have them to play with or they will throw them away. And I'm equally sure that someone in USPS management said, "We can only hope."
re: Batman Pane (Sneaky USPS)
This is what the whole pane looks like, to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about.
re: Batman Pane (Sneaky USPS)
Of all the recent stamps I've used to send mail to other collectors, this set has received the most oohs and ahhs. Even people I would not figure as Batman fans like them.
re: Batman Pane (Sneaky USPS)
I love these stamps!
Even the "Bat-signal" ones!
re: Batman Pane (Sneaky USPS)
I have the four rectangle stamps, used and with nice cancels, in my collection. Notice that the round Bat-signal stamps are each a different design. Yikes... I need three more.
Wonderful stamps!
Ottawa, Canada
re: Batman Pane (Sneaky USPS)
That's not the first time they did that. I always thought this was a little sneaky:
The replicas of stamps are only worth 7c while the replicas of souvenir stickers are worth $3.20! I doubt many of those panes went into normal circulation like the Batman stamps, but it was still sneaky IMHO.