The right edge looks crooked. Looks trimmed to me.
pretty square
This is likely from an improperly adjusted machine dispenser of coils.
agreeing with Roy... This could have been a stamp vending machine or stamp affixing machine used for commercial mailings. It would be cool on a commercial cover tied under a period postmark.
Wow...croman you're right. Looks totally different sitting on the perf gauge
thanks for all the input , guess I will catagorize it as an oddity..faulty stamp dispenser was my first thought also
its like an imperf with a row of holes punched through it
I've been trying to figure out ways that this could happen..(1) the stamp dispenser was faulty..(2) somebody was running with scissors in their hand again..I found this on paper with no postmark, so I soaked it off the paper..It is a scott# 721 perf 10 vertically..I thought it strange that the proportions are right as far as the design to the right of the perfs matching up to the design on the left side of the stamp..any help would be appreciated..thanks
I put my flat plate plate gauge on it and it was taller and I thought with vertical perfs it was supposed to be wider, I could have my facts backward too
re: an odd scott# 721
The right edge looks crooked. Looks trimmed to me.
re: an odd scott# 721
pretty square
re: an odd scott# 721
This is likely from an improperly adjusted machine dispenser of coils.
re: an odd scott# 721
agreeing with Roy... This could have been a stamp vending machine or stamp affixing machine used for commercial mailings. It would be cool on a commercial cover tied under a period postmark.
re: an odd scott# 721
Wow...croman you're right. Looks totally different sitting on the perf gauge
re: an odd scott# 721
thanks for all the input , guess I will catagorize it as an oddity..faulty stamp dispenser was my first thought also
re: an odd scott# 721
its like an imperf with a row of holes punched through it