Sorry... should add that stamp is postmarked May 6, 1907.
I have an envelope front with a US Scott 319 bisect neatly tied by a St. Louis machine cancel... appears to be address to St. Louis. I know the "Drop Rate" was increased to 2 cents following establishment of city delivery latter in the 19th century. Could this be a drop rate for local pick up at the receiving post office and still charged at the 1 cent rate (thus the 2 cent bisect issue = 1 cent)? How late were US stamps allowed to be bisected and used at 1/2 the original face value. Sorry, no photo... need to learn that technique. Any help appreciated!
re: US Scott 2 Cent #319 Used as a Bisect on Envelope "Front"
Sorry... should add that stamp is postmarked May 6, 1907.