I have done that too. In the Cinderella category, I have found Scott listed stamps that sellers thought were not listed. It helps to know stamps, if you're going to sell them.
Just to be on the record. All of those stamps were of low value.
Sounds like Philatelia and michael78651 were describing different categories !!
But of course they weren't !
Ah! The wonderful world of Philately.
LOL You're right - I did notice a few lots that seemed to be in the wrong category though!
But it is fun looking at something new. When you specialize, it is possible to get a bit of tunnel vision. A panoramic view can be refreshing!
The Scott-listed stamps that I was mentioning were mixed in with approval books of Cinderellas. If you didn't know those countries, you may have thought that they were simply labels, but they were in fact stamps.
I checked, and in at least one approval book (#3995) some of these are still available. I don't know about other books as it has been a awhile since I looked.
Ah approvals !
So they were talking about different categories !!
But it's still a wonderful world !
Londonbus1.....(he,he, nothing like putting Cinderellas on the map)
I don't usually look at the Cinderella category, but there are some really nifty listings in there! I have been so in the habit of only checking for Ireland, that I've been missing some really interesting material. It is so much fun to just browse once in a while. Try it, you'll like it!
re: Just for fun try looking at a different Auction Category!
I have done that too. In the Cinderella category, I have found Scott listed stamps that sellers thought were not listed. It helps to know stamps, if you're going to sell them.
Just to be on the record. All of those stamps were of low value.
re: Just for fun try looking at a different Auction Category!
Sounds like Philatelia and michael78651 were describing different categories !!
But of course they weren't !
Ah! The wonderful world of Philately.
re: Just for fun try looking at a different Auction Category!
LOL You're right - I did notice a few lots that seemed to be in the wrong category though!
But it is fun looking at something new. When you specialize, it is possible to get a bit of tunnel vision. A panoramic view can be refreshing!
re: Just for fun try looking at a different Auction Category!
The Scott-listed stamps that I was mentioning were mixed in with approval books of Cinderellas. If you didn't know those countries, you may have thought that they were simply labels, but they were in fact stamps.
I checked, and in at least one approval book (#3995) some of these are still available. I don't know about other books as it has been a awhile since I looked.
re: Just for fun try looking at a different Auction Category!
Ah approvals !
So they were talking about different categories !!
But it's still a wonderful world !
Londonbus1.....(he,he, nothing like putting Cinderellas on the map)